Ever since the pandemic impacted the way we work, the remote work environment has become the new normal. More than 82% of employees prefer working from home as per a reliable survey. As almost everyone has worked from home at some point by now, it often makes business owners undermine the importance of a worker’s […]

Psychological Injuries, Workers’ Compensation Insurance, and Mental Health Policy Issues
Workers’ Compensation Insurance is a type of insurance policy that covers financial assistance to the employee’s illness, injuries or death sustained during the performance of their jobs. It enhances the job security of employees and the businesses don’t have to run out of pocket to compensate for medical wages. When many people think of workers’ […]
Does workers’ compensation cover prescriptions?
Workers’ compensation insurance is mandatory insurance that businesses in India must purchase to cover the legal and medical expenses for employee accidents, injuries, occupational ailments, and death. What exactly does the workers’ compensation policy do? In India, workers’ compensation is mandatory insurance that businesses of all sizes must purchase to provide wage and medical benefits […]
Does worker’s compensation cover employee negligence?
Many people do not realize that industrial injuries and accidents are quite frequent. These accidents and injuries can be highly damaging, often leading to permanent total or partial disability, if not death. Workers deserve compensation as they contribute to the employer’s business success. Moreover, the labour of workers contributes to the comfort and consumption of […]
Workmen’s Compensation policy – Claims Process (infographic)
Buying a worker’s compensation policy or Employees Compensation Insurance is one way you can take care of your employees. Since the world is full of uncertainties where you don’t know what the future holds for you, it is advisable to take precautions today for a better future. Particularly if you own a business, then you should […]
Workmen Compensation policy – Right insurer (infographic)
According to the Workers Compensation Act, 1923, Factories Act, 1948, and Common law, companies require to pay compensation to their employees and workers if they suffer physical injuries or death during the course of their employment. Since such injuries or deaths are uncertain, organizations face financial uncertainty. A workmen’s compensation policy helps companies cover these […]
Right price to pay for Workmen Compensation policy – Infographic
A workmen compensation Insurance policy entails a wide scope of coverage for the insured organization. The policy covers financial liabilities in case of physical injuries, permanent or temporary disablements, and even death of the organization’s employees due to unforeseen perils of employment. This article helps you understand the right price for Workmen Compensation policy Moreover, […]
Features of Workman Compensation policy – Infographic
A workmen’s compensation policy financially protects organizations when workers are injured or die during their employment. As per the statutes of the Workmen’s Compensation Act, 1923, organizations are financially responsible for compensating injured workers. To handle this financial responsibility, we design a workmen’s compensation policy. Let’s explore the important features of workmen compensation that make […]
Need for Workmen compensation insurance – Infographic
A workmen’s compensation policy is a commercial insurance policy that covers the legal liability of an employer under the Workmen Compensation Act of India, which is monitored by the Ministry of Labour & Employment. Labourers have the highest probability of injuries or death on the worksite for which this policy provides compensation. Workmen or employees […]
How to choose the best insurance provider for purchasing WC policy for labourers?
How to choose the best insurance provider for WC Policy? Workmen or employees are the most valuable assets of any company. The responsibility to provide them with a safe working environment lies with the employer. In this regard, every employer lays down various safety measures. However, accidents at the workplace are unexpected. Accidents may lead […]