The demarcations between carriers legal liability (CLL) insurance and multi-modal transport operator (MTO) legal liabilities insurance are defined in terms of different modes of transport coverage, coverage of the geographical region, and the service provider’s statutory requirement of buying the respective policy. Carrier legal liability covers the legal liability arising due to fire or accident […]
Carrier Legal Liability

How is the duration and applicability of cover determined in Carrier legal Liability Insurance?
A carrier legal liability insurance policy compensates the insured for the physical loss, destruction or damage to goods or merchandise which is in the insured’s custody. The damage can occur during loading or unloading or while the goods are housed on or off vehicles during its transit. Goods, in this case, can be either merchandise, […]
How is the indemnity limit defined under Carrier Legal Liability Insurance?
Carrier Legal Liability Insurance is useful in covering losses or damages that may arise during transportation of goods. The indemnity under carrier legal liability insurance can’t exceed in the following – The per event sum as mentioned against AOA (Any One Accident) in the policy document for any loss or damage with regard to fire, […]