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Integrating Cyber Insurance into Corporate Financial Framework

Cyber insurance has emerged as an important tool in a company’s risk management portfolio. It is because of the increasing prevalence of cyber risks. Cyber threats are constantly evolving and can affect the financial framework of any organisation, regardless of size or industry. Organisations must be prepared with appropriate financial resources to manage their cyber […]

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Unauthorised Access Cover in Cyber Insurance

In our increasingly interconnected world, businesses face substantial risks from cyber security threats that can jeopardise their digital assets. To protect themselves from potential financial losses, organisations have turned to cyber insurance policies as an essential resource. One of the important features of cyber insurance is unauthorised access cover that provides financial protection against unauthorized […]

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Social Engineering Coverage under Cyber Insurance

In today’s digital landscape, the increasing sophistication of cyber criminals and their tactics poses significant risks to businesses. As cyber-attacks continue to evolve, organisations need comprehensive risk management strategies to protect their valuable assets. Cyber insurance plays a crucial role in mitigating these risks by providing financial protection and resources to recover from cyber incidents. […]

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Are Phishing and Spoofing covered under Cyber Insurance?

In today’s technologically advanced era, individuals face a growing risk of cyber threats, such as phishing and spoofing attacks. As these malicious activities continue to develop, individuals are proactively seeking to safeguard measures through personal cyber insurance policies. This article explores phishing & spoofing coverage under Cyber Insurance, emphasising the importance of personal cyber security […]

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Third-party liability coverage under Cyber Liability Insurance

In the modern digital environment, businesses are confronted with escalating dangers associated with cyber events. The surge in cybercriminal activities and unauthorised data access has underscored the significance of having cyber-crime insurance coverage. Due to the increasing cyber threats, having third-party liability coverage under Cyber Insurance has become imperative. While this insurance safeguards against monetary […]

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What are the advantages and limitations of cyber risk or security insurance?

Cyber Risk Insurance – Advantages and Limitations Companies can acquire Cyber Security Insurance to mitigate fiscal harm from data infractions, cyber assaults, and other accompanying occurrences. It covers any reimbursements or compensations from such incidences in addition to fees from defending court cases in connection to them. This solution provides multiple profits for companies looking […]

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Understanding Cyber Fraud Insurance Claim Denials: Tips for Policyholders

In an age where cyber threats loom large, Cyber Liability Insurance has emerged as a shield against the potentially devastating financial consequences of a cyber-attack. As online frauds in India and around the world continue to rise, individuals and businesses are increasingly turning to cyber insurance policies to safeguard their assets. However, navigating the intricacies of cyber-crime insurance coverage can be […]

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The Rising Threat of Cyber Crime Importance of Cyber Insurance in 2023

In our rapidly advancing digital realm, cybercrime has risen as a potent menace, posing risks to both individuals and enterprises. Cyberattacks are evolving in complexity, resulting in severe consequences such as financial setbacks, harm to reputation, and legal entanglements. As these threat of cyber crime constantly morph, the imperative for robust cybersecurity protocols and comprehensive […]

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Why do you need Cyber Insurance for your business? – Infographic

Why Business must obtain Cyber Insurance today? In today’s digital world, data drives business, technology unites us, making robust cybersecurity measures essential. Yet, even with the most advanced firewalls and vigilant IT teams, the threat of cyberattacks looms large. This is where Cyber Insurance steps in as a crucial safeguard for businesses, offering a shield […]

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