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Video- Right insurer for a Directors & Officers liability insurance policy

Which is the right insurance company to choose to buy your Directors & Officers Liability Insurance Policy? In this video, we will discuss the key factors that you should consider when choosing an insurer for your organization’s D&O insurance policy. Making the right choice is crucial to ensure comprehensive coverage and efficient claims handling. Stay […]

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How to choose the right insurer to buy a Director’s and Officers’ Liability insurance from?

  A Director’s and Officers’ Liability Insurance provides directors and officers unmatched coverage to organizations and their key personnel against third-party liabilities. If they commit mistakes or neglect important details, they might suffer a liability claim from third parties. When such a claim arises, the D&O policy provides much-needed financial security. Moreover, the D&O policy […]

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What are the criteria for selection of the best D&O insurance company?

A directors and officers (D&O) insurance policy company provides unmatched coverage to organizations and their key personnel against third-party liabilities. If the directors and officers of a company commit mistakes or neglect important details, they might suffer a liability claim from third parties. The third parties are likely to have suffered a financial loss due […]

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Should I select a D&O insurer offering lower premium?

A directors and officers liability policy prove to be a valuable addition to an organization as well as to its key managerial personnel. In case the company’s directors and officers commit an error or omission, third-party liabilities are likely to arise. These liabilities are covered by insurer of D&O insurance policy. A company’s profitability faces […]

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How to select the insurance company for D&O Policy?

A director’s and officers’ liability insurance coverage is a must for organizations to protect themselves against financial liabilities brought on by third parties. The policy protects the directors and officers of the company against legal liability suffered due to errors and omissions. Such liabilities can be financially large, and by providing the necessary coverage, a […]

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Insurance companies providing D&O policy in India

At present, India has about 24 life insurance companies and 32 general insurance companies. On the one hand, the former offers life assurance plans that cover the risk of premature death. Other insurance companies offer policies that cover various financial risks faced by individuals and companies. So which insurance companies provide D&O policy in India? […]

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How to choose the insurer for D&O Policy? – Infographic

There are many  in India that offer directors’ and officers’ liability insurance. These companies offer various benefits under the policy and charge different premium rates. Looking to secure the right insurer for directors and officers liability insurance? Here’s a comprehensive guide on how to shortlist and choose wisely. There are couple of factors to take […]

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