ImageCyber Insurance | Protect your digital assets with Cyber Security Policy

Cyber Insurance Policy

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Cyber Insurance Policy

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Table of Contents

  • > Key Coverage of Cyber Insurance
  • > Quick Guide to Cyber Insurance
  • > Frequently Asked Questions
  • > Insuropedia
  • > Why SecureNow?

Key Coverage of Cyber Insurance

Unauthorised Access/Hacking

Cyber insurance provides protection in case of unauthorized access or hacking incidents by covering the costs associated with investigating the breach, notifying affected parties, managing the public relations, and restoring systems. It also offers financial support for legal claims, regulatory fines, and potential legal settlements arising from the cyber attack.

Cyber Extortion & Ransomware

Cyber insurance provides financial protection and support in the event of cyber extortion and ransomware incidents. It can cover expenses related to ransom payments, data recovery, legal fees, and public relations efforts. Additionally, cyber insurance often includes access to incident response teams and resources to mitigate the impact of the attack and restore operations swiftly.

Business Interruptions'

Cyber insurance policy safeguards businesses against financial losses resulting from cyber-attacks that lead to business interruptions. It covers the costs associated with downtime, lost income, and extra expenses incurred to restore operations. Additionally, cyber insurance may offer access to experts who can help mitigate the effects of the attack and expedite the recovery process.

Third-party Liability

Cyber security policy provides coverage for third-party liability, which is orgainisations' legal responsibility towards damages or injuries caused to third parties. It protects organizations against legal claims and expenses arising from data breaches, privacy violations, or other cyber incidents that affect external parties.

Quick Guide to Liability Insurance Policy

What is a Cyber Insurance Policy?

Cyber insurance, like other liability insurance, uses similar terms but covers businesses against cybercrimes. To understand the insurance, it is first important to know what cybercrime is.

In this digital age, all businesses must have an online presence to stay relevant. But it comes with risks of cybercrimes such as cyber hacking, data breach, data loss, etc. It may cost a fortune to compensate and restore data for such losses.

These miss-happenings may also lead to legal fees for attorneys, fines for consumers, or even hefty extortions. Traditional commercial or product liability insurance does not cover such risks

With cyber insurance policy, companies share a part of that risk with the insurer.

In exchange for a monthly premium, the owner gains coverage in case of any cybercrime targeting the company. It covers any internet-based crime, especially those related to data security in the IT sector.

Which categories of cybercrime fall under the coverage of Cyber insurance?

Cyber insurance covers almost all kinds of IT-based crimes:

  •  Siphoning of funds - Siphoning of funds directs company’s funds towards an unintended use. This is a form of stealing done through cyber hacking.
  •  Identity Theft- This is the theft of a person's identity to commit a crime as that person. These include both company credentials and individual information.
  •  Online bullying or cyber stalking- any cases of receiving threats online. Individuals can accomplish this by stalking someone online or possessing vital information about them.
  •  Online shopping any accidental transactional, malfunctions or data leaks during online payments may come under online cyber crime.
  •  Malware attack- A malware attack uses unauthorized software to disrupt the owner's system with unapproved actions.
  •  Data and privacy breach - refers to the un-authorized use of confidential data. This crime causes a loss of trust in the organization and often leads to costly reimbursements. For instance, if there's a data breach, a credit card company might need to issue new cards to all customers. Cyber insurance commonly incorporates credit monitoring services to protect against credit card fraud and identity theft. For instance, if there's a data breach, a credit card company might need to issue new cards to all customers. Cyber insurance often includes credit monitoring services as part of its coverage to safeguard against credit card fraud and identity theft.
  •  Crypto-currency loss - Since crypto-currency isn't legal tender in India, policy doesn't cover losses related to it.

Key factors driving the increased relevance of cyber insurance in India.

In recent years, there has been a significant increase in cybercrimes in India. In 2021, 52,964 cybercrimes occurred, with over 70% reported in just five states, as per crime statistics.

The emergence of RAAS (ransomware-as-a-service) is also a critical factor in driving the cyber-attack insurance market. It has made threatening and extortion easier, adding to internet-related risks for businesses.

Such developments are making consumers increasingly aware of cybercrimes. They now have a preference for companies that provide data protection and reliability. Therefore, cyber insurance is getting more prevalent than ever.

Restoring data after a breach is becoming more expensive, posing challenges for established businesses to handle these costs. Hence, more and more companies now choose to rely on cyber insurance.

As a growing economy, India is facing more exposure to such crimes. This leads to more awareness about what is cybercrime among the masses and, in turn, cyber laws.

How does cyber insurance align with the prevailing cyber laws in India?

The EU's adoption of the GDPR has notably affected India's cyber insurance sector. Its a set of rules designed to safeguard and handle personal information and data. These guidelines protect the rights of individuals within Europe and come with significant fines if not followed.

The GDPR law applies to companies in the European Union, regardless of their location outside the EU. The GDPR law applies to EU companies, irrespective of their location outside the EU. Companies, both Indian and international, need to adhere to GDPR if they provide services to individuals in the EU.

These companies must enhance their data protection practices. They should implement new security measures and encryption systems to safeguard data privacy.

Furthermore, experts anticipate that India will soon present the draft Personal Data Protection Bill (PDPB) in Parliament. Observers expect this bill to become one of the most influential global data privacy laws. It surpasses the EU GDPR and the California CCPA in certain aspects.

Once in place, this cyber law in India will apply to almost all businesses operating here. Businesses must actively scrutinize their data processing methods, policies, and security measures in compliance with the mandate. They must do this to comply with the new law.

Who Needs Cyber Insurance?

In the current scenario, any organization functioning on the web is not entirely safe from cyber threats. Having an online presence comes with the risk of catching the wrong eyes. Hence, a few companies or individuals may do without cyber security insurance.

An If you're active online, like on social media or a personal website, it's important to have cyber insurance. This safeguards against potential threats, including online transactions with customers and remote working teams.

Specific sectors are more prone to web security risks. These include all IT firms, social media businesses, and data-based industries. Furthermore, consider sectors with access to vital customer information, such as medicine, pharma, and related industries.

Despite the surging fame, cyber insurance is still somewhat recent in India. The company that opt for this policy are among the early adopters. Yet, it is as crucial for your business as any other physical insurance, if not more.

Safeguard your business by securing comprehensive cyber insurance coverage, ensuring the protection of sensitive information, including credit card numbers.

What is First party, Third party, and Out-of-pocket expenses in Cyber Security Insurance?

The first party in the context of cybercrime insurance is the person/owner or organization that purchases the insurance. The party pays the premium amount and holds the right to raise a claim in case any attack occurs.

Cyber security insurance covers the third party, even without their purchase. The insurance aims to compensate or protect the third party against a risk. In the case of cyber insurance policy, the customers of the company and audiences would be the third party.

Safeguard your business by securing comprehensive cyber insurance coverage, ensuring the protection of sensitive information, including credit card numbers.

Out-of-pocket expenses include the costs that the first party compensates. The insurer and the company mutually agree upon these expenses through an agreement. This includes deductibles, co-insurances, and copayment agreements. It refers to the expenses that the insurance company does not cover.

What are the advantages and limitations of Cyber Insurance Policy?

The advantages of Cyber Insurance are:

  •  Online Security - Cyber insurance provides a secure online environment for transactions and business. Customers experience safety, and companies receive financial assistance during crises.
  •  Early detection of threats - During online company audits, cyber insurers can detect early flaws and provide warnings. This could avoid potential attacks.
  •  Increased flexibility  - Cyber security is gaining popularity recently. Cyber insurance offers greater flexibility than other policies, which adhere to strict protocols. It allows for more personalization of policy and additions as required.

The limitations of cyber insurance include the following: 

  •  Promoting and normalizing online ransomware- Some critics argue that the role of cyber insurance should be to minimize acts of web crime. Conversely, it validates malpractices by paying the demanded ransom, doing the opposite.
  •  Questionable results - Because cyber security is rapidly evolving, it's challenging to measure the success of cyber insurance with tangible outcomes. This leads to some people doubting the benefits of these policies.
  •  High-cost premium - The compensation costs of online attacks are much higher and harder to predict. Hence, the premium cost of cyber insurance is generally higher than other physical insurance.

How does cyber security insurance coverage work?

Cyber insurance operates similarly to other insurances regarding involved parties and claims. Many insurance companies offering commercial and product liability insurance also offer cyber liability insurance, despite it being relatively new. This insurance falls under error and omission insurance provided by insurers.

Most cyber insurances covers are both first party and third-party damages. First-party losses involve direct financial and data losses to a company. In contrast, third-party damages harm customers or the public.

Cyber insurance covers losses caused by unexpected online attacks and data breaches. A data Breach Insurance can help mitigate risk and losses arising out of such unexpected online frauds.

It also includes the cost of data restoration and extortion. However, the exact party and other coverage may vary for each insurance. Before purchasing insurance, experts in the field recommend seeking guidance.

What protections does a Cyber Insurance provide?

Here are the costs and types of cybercrimes that general cyber insurance covers:

  •   Fulfilling extortions demanded in a ransomware attack.
  •   Informing customers in the event if a security breach.
  •   Settling legal expenses imposed because of privacy breaches.
  •   Employing computer forensics specialists to restore crucial customer information.
  •   Initiate the repair of customer identities exposed by cyberattacks.
  •   Actively retrieve data that someone has controlled or stolen.
  •   Repair or replace compromised or damaged computer systems.
  •   Costs incurred in repairing components damaged because of the attack.

What Cyber Insurance Does Not Cover?

Cyber insurance policies cover major internet-based threats. However, they often exclude elements resulting from human negligence, intentional actions, or avoidable issues.

  •  Lack of security - Neglecting a proper data security configuration system voids coverage for associated costs in the business insurance.
  •  Human error - In case of an attack, the policy usually excludes expenses caused by employee negligence or human errors.
  •  Insider attacks - Cyber insurance policy excludes responsibility for incidents caused by internal disruption or actions of current/former employees.
  •  Technological improvements - The insurance policy does not cover expenses for technology systems enhancements or those unrelated to the attack.
  •  Prior Exposures- This includes loss because of known pre-existing flaws within the company's awareness.

How is cyber risk calculated for choosing the right Cyber Insurance?

Cyber insurance calculates a company's risk by considering various factors.

Company's previous experiences, whether company has previously faced any data breach incidents. This can determine the potential risks to a certain extent.

Some companies may also get into the technical details of the operations. Cyber insurance providers' cyber security experts assess factors such as; data handled, online security, existing computer systems, and drawbacks.

The company's stakeholders thoroughly examine it to assess the potential risk of cybercrimes against it.

How are cyber insurance premiums determined?

Insurers consider various factors to assess the risk in cyber insurance policies. The industry in which the company operates largely affects the premium price.

The company’s security policies are a significant factor in determining the premium. The insurance company assesses company's likelihood of online attacks. This assessment involves examining the company's configuration structures and security systems. Companies face higher premium costs for cyber security insurance when they are more likely to experience cyberattacks.

Company's previous experiences also play a significant role. Heightened risks resulting from past online attacks can significantly increase your premium costs.

The company takes into account its annual turnover when assessing its cyber insurance needs. If the company has a good profit, it can compensate for much of the losses on its own.

The insurance company evaluates the chances of an organization facing online attacks. They do this by examining the company's configuration structures and security systems. They also examine PII and PHI reports. They may also examine the company's networks, reputation, and customer relationships.

How to raise a claim under Cyber Insurance policy?

The claim process of cyber insurance is like that of other general insurance:

  •   Inform the insurance company as soon as the breach takes place.
  •   The insurer will then send a cyber expert to analyze and determine the extent of risk and damages.
  •   Both the first party and the insurer engage in a discussion about the details of the attack.
  •   The policy-holder receives attack details and potential solutions depending on its severity.
  •   Based on the policy holder’s choice, the insurer will provide the compensation according to the cyber insurance policy.

What is the process of buying Cyber Insurance from SecureNow?

At SecureNow, we understand that each business is unique. We aim to offer a personalized and comprehensive cyber insurance policy perfectly tailored to meet your specific needs. Following are the steps to buy cyber insurance at SecureNow:

  •   Visit our website -
  •   Select cyber insurance in the type of insurance.
  •   Fill out the details form accurately.
  •   Choose your industry of operation.
  •   You will receive quotes from various insurance companies that match your preferences.
  •   Talk to an expert and come to a calculated conclusion about your desired policy.
  •  We will get back to you within 24 hours to better understand your needs and help you choose the best policy.
Company covered by cyber insurance, remains resilient against potential online threats and data breaches.

What is the process for renewing Cyber Risk Insurance?

You can renew your cyber insurance either online or offline by visiting the nearest policy branch. Fill out the form and apply for a renewal. We will provide you with renewal quotes for your consideration. Choose your desired quote and pay the premium.

You can renew your cyber risk insurance policy online through SecureNow. Kindly visit the website and submit your application for renewal. Select from the available quotes as per your preference.

You can speak with our policy experts who will assist in selecting the right policy by understanding your needs. Renew your policy by paying the premium online.

Protect your business with cyber insurance to guard against digital threats and ensure protection.

Frequently Asked Questions

Cybеr Insurancе providеs financial protеction against cybеr-attacks and data brеachеs, which are increasingly common in today's digital world. A Cyber Insurance Policy covers the costs of recovering from a cyber incident, including data restoration and legal expenses.

It also covers notification costs, extortion payments, and potential lawsuits. It also providеs pеacе of mind and hеlps businеssеs or individuals navigatе a cybеr incidеnt's complеx and costly aftеrmath. A cybеr insurancе policy protеcts your business from significant financial lossеs and rеputational damagе.
Cyber liability insurance includes Data Breach/Privacy Liability, Network Security Liability, Media Liability, Extortion Liability, and more. It encompasses Regulatory and Legal Defense, Business Interruption, Cyber Crime, Privacy, and Security Breach Crisis Management Coverage.
Any organization using digital technology is susceptible to a cyberattack, irrespective of its size or industry. This encompasses a wide range of businesses, including but not limited to :
  • Businеssеs of all sizеs, including small, mеdium, and largе еntеrprisеs
  • Govеrnmеnt agеnciеs and institutions
  • Hеalthcarе providеrs and hospitals
  • Financial institutions and banks
  • Educational institutions and universities
  • Non-profit organizations
  • Individuals with an onlinе prеsеncе and digital assеts
  • The cost of a cybеr-attack can be substantial. It can include еxpеnsеs such as:
  • Forеnsic invеstigation to idеntify thе sourcе and еxtеnt of thе brеach
  • Notification costs to affеctеd individuals or customers
  • Lеgal and rеgulatory pеnaltiеs for data brеachеs
  • Data rеcovеry and rеstoration еxpеnsеs
  • Businеss intеrruption and rеvеnuе lossеs during downtimе
  • Extortion paymеnts if thе attack involvеs ransomwarе
  • Costs of public rеlations and rеputational damagе management
  • Lawsuits and lеgal dеfеncе costs from affеctеd partiеs
  • Costs associatеd with addressing cybеr fraud or social еnginееring attacks
  • Somе pеrsistеnt and еvolving cybеrsеcurity thrеats includе:
  • Ransomwarе attacks: Malicious softwarе that еncrypts data and dеmands a ransom for dеcryption kеys.
  • Phishing and social еnginееring: Dеcеptivе tactics to trick somеonе into rеvеaling sеnsitivе information or downloading malwarе.
  • Insidеr thrеats: Data brеachеs causеd by workеrs, contractors, or partnеrs with accеss to sеnsitivе information.
  • Advancеd Pеrsistеnt Thrеats (APTs): Highly skilled threat actors execute continuous, stealthy cyberattacks to gain prolonged access to a target system.
  • Intеrnеt of Things (IoT): Sеcurity gaps in connеctеd dеvicеs that hackеrs could еxploit.
  • Before a cyber security breach, taking proactive measures to enhance your firm's security posture is crucial. Conduct risk assessments to identify infrastructure's weaknesses, implement security measures, and provide cyber security training for employees. Develop a comprehensive response plan for preparedness in case of a breach.

    After a cyber-security breach, act swiftly to contain the breach, assess the damage, fulfil legal or regulatory obligations. You should Communicate the breach transparently to stakeholders and the public. Learn from the incident, prevent future breaches, and strengthen your security infrastructure.
    The insured amount in a Cyber Insurance Policy can vary based on the insurance company and specific needs. The policy's terms and conditions also influence it. Its common to find Cybеr Insurancе policiеs with sum insurеd options ranging from tеns of thousands to millions of dollars. Cybеr insurancе policiеs typically offеr covеragе limits ranging from $100, 000 to sеvеral million dollars.
    Traditional insurancе policiеs likе gеnеral liability or propеrty insurancе typically do not covеr cybеr risks. Cybеr thrеats arе uniquе and constantly еvolving, and spеcializеd Cybеr Insurancе is dеsignеd to addrеss thеsе spеcific risks. Traditional insurance policies may exclude cyber incidents and have inadequate coverage limits to address cyber-attack consequences.
    Given their substantial exposure to risks and vital responsibility in technology management for other businesses, IT firms prioritize Cyber Insurance. IT firms oftеn handlе sеnsitivе cliеnt data, making thеm suscеptiblе to brеachеs and cybеr-attacks. Cybеr Insurancе can protect IT companies from financial loss, lеgal obligations, and rеputational damagе from such incidents.
    Yеs, cybеr Insurancе is еssеntial for manufacturing firms too. In thе agе of industry, many manufacturing procеssеs arе automatеd and connеctеd, making thеm potеntial targеts for cybеrcriminals.

    Cybеr Insurancе can mitigatе financial risks associatеd with data brеachеs and cybеr-attacks in thе manufacturing sеctor. Cyber Insurance is essential for IT firms. They face cyber risks and have a critical role in managing technology infrastructure for other businesses.
    Yеs, a BPO (Businеss Procеss Outsourcing) company, should consider purchasing cybеr liability insurancе. BPOs oftеn handlе thеir cliеnts' sеnsitivе data and Pеrsonally idеntifiablе Information (PII), making thеm potеntial targеts for cybеr attacks. Cyber Liability Insurance protects BPOs from financial losses and legal issues caused by data breaches, cyber-attacks, or incidents.

    What Our Customers Are Saying


    The cyber insurance from SecureNow is fantastic. The claims process is quick and hassle-free, and the coverage is thorough.


    SecureNow’s cyber security insurance has been a lifesaver for our company. The coverage is extensive and the service is excellent.


    We’re very satisfied with SecureNow’s cyber insurance policy. It offers great coverage at an affordable price and excellent support.


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    Quick Turnaround Time

    Cover notes are issued within hours of request. This documentation is sufficient for any contractual requirement.

    Strong Claims Support

    We manage all aspects of your claim - from preparing documentation to follow-up with the insurer.

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