Workmen Compensation

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Ever since the pandemic impacted the way we work, the remote work environment has become the new normal. More than 82% of employees prefer working from home as per a reliable survey. As almost everyone has worked from home at some point by now, it often makes business owners undermine the importance of a worker’s compensation policy. Workers Compensation for remote workers ensures adequate protection for your distributed workforce.

At its core, a WC policy is aimed at covering the legal liability hanging around the employers’ necks as defined under the Workmen Compensation Act, 1923. Willing to clear more doubts related to workers’ compensation insurance even after you have offered the flexibility to work from home or office to your workforce? This guide is meant for yo policy compensates for expenses resulting from employee accidents, injuries, or occupational diseases during employment. There can be legal expenses along with the compensation payable to the employee/his dependents if the injury/disease further leads to disablement or even fatality.

In some cases, employees or their dependents take the legal route to sue their employers for any such mishappening. Your worker’s compensation insurance policy will cover it as well and pay for lawyer fees and settlements. 

Question 2: How does the workmen compensation policy work for remote employees?

While your employees look at remote work opportunities to be full of perks, they may have some drawbacks for you. For instance, when your entire workforce is working from home, you can exercise lesser control over the safety of their work environment. In case of an injury during work hours, it can be quite difficult to gather witnesses to verify the incident. 

In general, the workmen compensation policy covers injuries that occur within the policy’s scope and during employment. However, being on the clock doesn’t automatically make every injury work-related. To clarify, contact the chosen insurer before purchasing a policy.In any case, the insurer will sort everything in case you need to file a claim, so there is very little room for anything you need to do being an employer.

Question 3: Does the location and type of your business affect the need for workmen compensation insurance?

The underlying need to abide by the Workmen Compensation Act may vary from one type of business to another. Similarly, there can be differences in terms of where the business is located and the related risk factor. Whenever you look forward to buying a workmen compensation insurance policy, the best thing you can do is to read the policy document carefully before paying for it. Most insurers have these documents available online and cover the finer details of the benefits, exclusion and inclusion clauses, terms, etc.

Whether the business type or location would have any effect in your particular case – you can simply check that by connecting either with an insurer or an insurance broker.

Other than this, you should also have a clear understanding of the Workers Compensation Act that prevails in India.

More About the Workmen Compensation Act in India

Enacted in 1923, this Act establishes employers’ liability to compensate employees for injuries, accidents, or death during employment. It applies to specified workers and industries. It is this Act that brings workmen compensation insurance into the picture for the benefit of employees. Workers Compensation for remote workers

If you want to buy Workers Compensation for remote workers, benefit from the expertise of SecureNow – a leading insurance broker in the country. Read more about our offerings here

About The Author

Rahul Kumar 

MBA Finance

With a wealth of experience in the insurance industry, Rahul is a seasoned writer specializing in articles related to workmen compensation policies (WC policies) for SecureNow. With 12 years of experience in the field, he has acquired in-depth knowledge and expertise in workmen compensation insurance, understanding its complexities and nuances. Their insightful articles provide valuable insights into the importance of WC policies for businesses and employees alike, offering practical advice and guidance on navigating the intricacies of insurance coverage. Trust him to deliver informative and engaging content, backed by years of experience and a passion for educating readers about insurance-related topics.