Fire Insurance Policy- A Savior during Fire Damage

The start neither the eventual consequence of a fire can be predicted or known; because of which it is difficult to be prepared before hand for a fire or its consequences; and the only thing a person can do is to get protected to a certain limit by getting financial protection before hand through an […]

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How to File a Fire Insurance Claim

Published in Economic times on Apr 29 2016, Written by Kapil Mehta A fire entails not just tremendous physical and financial damage, but also a fair amount of emotional and mental trauma. Nobody expects a fire, so it’s important to be prepared for how to deal with one, if it ever does occur. The aftermath […]

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Basic features of office insurance (fire) policy

Q1. What assets can be covered fire insurance policy for the office? Buildings, machinery, furniture, fixtures and fittings, electrical installations, stocks, stocks in trade including work in progress, etc. belonging to any industry, offices, service occupancies, households, etc.  Q2. What are the perils/risks covered under fire insurance? Fire. Lightning. Explosion / implosion. Aircraft damage. Riot, […]

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What Factors You Need to Consider About Property Insurance Coverage

It is good that you are thinking about buying property insurance, however, there are some factors that you should consider in order to ensure you choose the right one= Have a clear understanding of the claim process Two insurance companies can promise to give you the same coverage, but they can vastly differ when it […]

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Tips to Buy the Right Fire Insurance Policy

Undeniably, fire insurance plays an imperative role by covering your losses or damages that may arise due to fire. It is strongly recommended to buy a fire insurance policy to cover your business and here are some of the tips which will help you choose the right policy- 1. Buy the right coverage– When it […]

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Four Things to Know Before Renting an Office Space

Renting office space seems to be a better option, especially when you are not able to buy it or when you don’t want to purchase it. But choosing just any office space would be a mistake. You need to ensure that your office is one that supports your team and also lets you grow and […]

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Things to know about a fire insurance policy

At least six people died when a fire erupted at a four-story building of Excel Greentech, an LED packaging office in Noida’s Sector 11. It was lunchtime, and out of 40 staffers, around 15 were at the office, while others went out for lunch. So, massive was the fire, that an adjacent factory located around […]

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