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Property Insurance Adjusters Influence Property Insurance Claims

If your home insurance policy has been assigned to an adjuster and you might be wondering, what do home insurance adjusters do? In a nutshell, property insurance adjusters, also known as claims adjusters, are professionals who are responsible for assessing and evaluating property damage or loss claims on behalf of insurance companies or policyholders. Their […]

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How does underinsurance impact fire insurance claim settlement?

Underinsurance refers to inadequate insurance coverage of the policyholder. In this article, we’ll get to know how underinsurance impact fire insurance claim settlement. If a policyholder is underinsured, it will result in economic losses for him/her in the event of a claim far exceeding any premium savings that might have resulted from underinsurance. Therefore property […]

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Filing an art insurance claim

Art insurance refers to insurance cover for artworks. Such insurance can come in handy if your art collection is stolen or damaged. In this article, we’ll get to know about the process of filing a claim under Art Insurance. Art insurance is becoming increasingly popular among collectors due to several reasons. First, the value of […]

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How to file a claim under Factory and Warehouse Insurance?

Given below are the steps you need to follow to file a claim under factory and warehouse insurance: Inform the Insurer: You will need to inform the insurer about the incident and the approximate loss incurred due to various factors mentioned in the policy. Complete the Claim Form: You might need to fill out a […]

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What is the claim process for Property and Casualty Insurance?

Property and Casualty Insurance: Claim Process The claim process for Property and Casualty Insurance starts with the occurrence of any event. However, it may be a car accident or a house on fire, or a security violation. 1. Notify the loss: Firstly, the insured person should notify the loss insurance company as soon as possible. […]

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How important is fire insurance for your business?

Although you may take every precaution and use the latest technology to ensure the safety of your business premises, you cannot completely rule out the possibility of an accident. Thus, fire insurance is both essential and recommended for your business. Why is fire insurance important? To understand the importance of fire insurance for your office […]

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How to file a claim under Building Insurance?

The following steps should be taken to file a claim under building insurance: Step 1: Inform the company: Notify your insurance company. You must not try to undo the damage yourself if you have insurance that covers the damage that you have suffered. Next, one must prevent further damage. If you move, your property you […]

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