The number of vehicles on Indian roads has increased drastically over recent years. Be it for private usage or commercial purposes. People have started purchasing and using their vehicles for various reasons. However, it is important to know that under Indian Motor Vehicles Act (MV Act), every vehicle needs to be insured before being driven […]
Motor Fleet Insurance

Understanding the nuances of motor fleet management insurance
Motor fleet refers to the owner of multiple vehicles at a single point in time; typically for business or for your interests. In such a scenario, you must avail motor fleet insurance policy. Insuring your motor fleet can be quite a feat! What is motor fleet insurance? These policies cover four or more vehicles under […]
Tips to minimise your motor fleet insurance premium
The cost of operating a fleet can be considerable. A motor fleet insurance policy helps reduce the cost of maintenance and accidental wear and tear. And to make even more gains, you can apply the tips discussed here to ensure an affordable premium on your motor fleet insurance. Minimizing premium when buying motor fleet insurance […]
Filing a claim under motor fleet insurance
Motor fleet insurance provides cover to your entire fleet of vehicles. It is designed chiefly for companies with a large number of vehicles. Of course, individuals with more than one vehicle can also opt for this insurance. Let’s get to know about filing a claim under motor fleet insurance. What is motor fleet insurance? Instead […]
Exclusions of motor fleet insurance policy
When you want to insure more than one vehicle, a motor fleet insurance policy is a great choice. It is one policy that provides insurance cover against loss or damage to all your vehicles. However, it is important to remember that your standard motor fleet insurance policy has some limitations. Here we will get to […]
Who can purchase motor fleet insurance?
As a business expands, its transportation needs might increase proportionately. Thus, organizations tend to buy more vehicles. Usually, they insure every vehicle separately. Motor fleet insurance is a great way to insure multiple vehicles in one plan. It is easy to manage in addition to being cost-effective. Let’s get to know that who can purchase […]
What is covered under motor fleet insurance?
Motor fleet insurance is a single policy that offers cover for multiple vehicles. To better understand how this might benefit you or your organization, it would help to know exactly what kind of cover such a policy offers. Motor fleet insurance cover A single policy for all your vehicles As the name suggests, motor fleet […]
Fleet insurance — the perfect policy for transport businesses
Handling a large number of vehicles is tough. In addition to regular maintenance, one has to consider exceptional events like accidents and damage. Managing related costs can be financially draining. This is where a motor fleet insurance policy comes in handy. It offers not only complete coverage against any loss or damage to the fleet […]
How fleet insurance can help SMEs manage their commercial vehicles
Published in Economic Times on 8 October, 2015, Written by Kapil Mehta As business expands, companies tend to buy more vehicles and each vehicle is separately insured. This is expensive and difficult to manage. It is common for companies to forget renewal dates or misplace policy contracts. The matter is more severe when insurance is […]
Own damage motor insurance can now be bought separately
Published in livemint on 25 Jun 2019. Come September 1, motor vehicle owners will be allowed to purchase standalone own damage (OD) insurance cover. An OD cover insures the vehicle against theft and damages. The guidelines will be applicable for all new and old cars and two-wheelers. At present, the industry practice is to bundle OD insurance with […]