1. Red Bell Peppers: Red bell peppers are considered as a safeguard for smokers. They are truly wonderful for lung health. They are enriched with beta-cryptoxanthin which lowers the risk of lung cancer and other lung infections. 2. Spinach: Spinach is loaded up with vitamin B that helps protect lung health. Regular consumption of food made […]

How to replace your bad habit with the new one?
“First we make our habits, then our habits make us.” “Motivation is what gets you started. Habit is what keeps you going.” Steps to follow: Stop aiming for perfection and aim for improvement instead Starting with a small amount of change, adopting activities that work to improve the good habits we have decided to take. […]
Benefits of eating walnuts everyday
They can reduce the risk of diabetes : All those women who have been consuming walnuts about 30grams, five times every week, have lesser probability of getting diabetes. They’re packed with omega-3 fatty acids : A diet rich in omega-3S is beneficial in reducing depression, attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder, cancer and Alzheimer disease and there’s […]
Tips to Shed Kilos the Healthy Way
Eat early Foods eaten earlier in the day generates more energy than food eaten later in the day. Your metabolic rate is actually higher earlier on in the day, which helps you to burn off kilo-joules as energy, whereas these same kilo-joules consumed at night can be easily stored as fat. Sleep Well A study […]
Importance of Warm Up and Cool down Exercises
Warming up and cooling down correctly are fundamental, yet often overlooked parts of any training program. While these components to training are very basic, many people tend to skip them and just start with their work out. Warm up exercises benefits us by preparing our body for all aerobic activities. A good warm-up gradually turns […]
3 reasons to avoid soda drinks
Did you know that soda present in the soft drinks is one of the biggest factor leading to obesity, depression and stress? Say No To Soda!Why? 1. It leads to weight gain, not weight loss. Although we are awared of the fact that diet soda is calorie-free, but it won’t help us lose weight at […]
3 Life hacks to increase your memory
Have you ever wondered about the effects of staying alone, or thought that socializing a lot would help us some day? Did you know that life with full of friends and fun, gives out quite lot of intellectual benefits? In this competitive and busy scenario where no one would like to give upon the loads […]
3 life hacks to follow before bedtime
A layman would always allocate more than one third of his/her life asleep. But don’t be deceived by the mere fact that just because the body is sleeping it doesn’t imply that it contributes to weakening off. Slipping and twisting all night could affect the efficiency, productivity, augmenting and can more affect the ability to […]
Why planks ?
Planks are the greatest alternative to crunches. Planks helps us keeping our tummy tight and core strong. Planking would help us burn more calories than any other abdominal exercises.After a hectic schedule at the workplace one doesn’t realize the importance of stretching daily for a smaller proportion of their daytime. 1. Flexibility The plank also […]
Orange: Golden Apple
We all are accustomed to the fact that ‘an apple a day keeps the doctor away’ and the same is recommended when it comes to this pulpy and vitamin C rich fruit “Orange”. Many people know that eating fruits every day is very beneficial for their health. But some may not know that this pulpy […]