Doctors Professional Indemnity

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A Doctor’s Professional Indemnity Insurance policy covers financial liabilities that medical practitioners face in case of negligence or errors during the treatment. The policy covers legal costs and the compensation amount.

Doctor’s Professional Indemnity insurance is a type of liability insurance that provides protection for doctors and medical professionals in the event that a patient or client files a claim against them for alleged negligence or malpractice. This insurance policy covers the cost of legal defense and any damages or compensation that may be awarded to the plaintiff, up to the policy limit. The policy may also cover the cost of investigation and regulatory proceedings. Professional indemnity insurance is essential for doctors and medical professionals as it protects their reputation and financial stability in the event of a lawsuit or claim. It helps to ensure that doctors can continue to practice medicine without the fear of financial ruin due to a legal claim.

The sum insured and the level of risk determine the premium’s policy.

Below are the factors that determine the premium for Doctor’s Professional Indemnity :

Sum insured

The premium amount is higher if the policyholder opts for a bigger sum insured.

Nature of practice

The premium is higher for specialists like cardiologists, gynecologists, and oncologists. They handle riskier cases compared to general physicians. Similarly, cosmetic surgeons are also considered to be a higher-risk category.

The number of individuals covered

The premium depends on the number of individuals covered when the policyholder is a medical establishment. The more insured, the higher the premium.

Indemnity limits and the ratio

The doctor’s professional indemnity policy works as per AOA: AOY limit. AOA is the maximum claim payable in an individual case. AOY is the total loss covered in a year. The limits selected and their ratio determine the premium.

A 1:1 ratio is recommended as this allows the entire sum assured to be used up in one incident.

Whereas, a 1:2 ratio means only 50% of the sum assured can be used in a particular case.

Size of establishment

The size of the hospital or the clinic buying the policy also determines the premium. A bigger establishment faces more risk and hence a higher premium.

Experience of doctors covered

Medical professionals with more experience are likely to make fewer mistakes.  The premium for Doctor’s Professional Indemnity insurance may depend on the doctor’s experience and qualifications. Doctors who have been practicing for a longer time or who have advanced degrees and specialized training may be considered less risky and may receive lower premiums. The premium for experienced doctors is relatively low. Additionally, claims history and the type of medical practice can also impact the premium.

Geographic coverage

If you opt for international cover the premium will increase because the policy also covers litigation in foreign courts.

International cover is necessary if you have a practice in medical tourism. Otherwise, a domestic cover should be sufficient.

Claim history

The premium amount is higher if the insured has already made claims under the policy in the past.

Deductible amount selected

This policy has a deductible amount for each insured. The deductible limit is what a policyholder pays themselves as part of a claim. The burden on the insurer is relatively lower in case of a higher deductible limit. So, the premium is also lower.

It is because of these factors that a policy’s premium is not uniform across holders.

How does SecureNow help

SecureNow provides an excellent Doctor’s PI policy with best-in-class features at an unmatchable price. It is available for various types of medical establishments and covers both General Physicians and specialists like radiologists, pediatricians, cardiologists, and various types of surgeons and dentists.

About The Author

Saloni Mishra 

MBA Insurance Management

With an illustrious career in the insurance sector, Saloni is a distinguished writer specializing in articles concerning doctor professional indemnity policies for SecureNow. Leveraging 12 years of hands-on experience, she understands the intricate nuances of professional indemnity insurance tailored specifically for medical professionals. Her articles offer invaluable insights into the significance of doctor professional indemnity coverage, addressing the unique risks and challenges healthcare practitioners face. Renowned for their expertise and attention to detail, Saloni is committed to providing readers with informative and actionable content that empowers them to make informed decisions regarding their insurance needs.