A muscular and well-defined core shows both strength and health. Core muscles include the postural muscles, which includes the muscles of the back, stomach, and hips. A strong core will allow you to maintain proper body alignment in whatever exercise or sport you are doing, as well as in your day-to-day activities. Core stability is […]

5 Mind-Blowing Benefits of Deep Breathing
Breathing – something you’re doing right now, probably without even thinking about it, is beneficial to us in many ways. Deep breathing is not only relaxing, it’s been scientifically proven to affect the heart, the brain, digestion, the immune system and maybe even the expression of genes. Practicing regular deep belly breathing has many health […]
How to Improve Your Memory
13th November is also known as World Alzheimer Day. Alzheimer’s Disease is the type of dementia that causes problem with memory, thinking and behavior. In this condition brain cells degenerate and die eventually destroying the memory. More than 1 million people are affected by this disease every year in India. In order to protect brain tissue, […]
5 Tips To Cure Bad Breath
Most of us suffer from the bad breath and in most of the cases, it originates from the gums and teeth. Actually, this bad breath is caused by billions of bacteria present in our mouth. It is the odor that bacteria give off as the bi-product when they digest their food. Bad breath is quite […]
Benefits of a good laugh
A good laugh can help you feel energized and refreshed. Laughing boosts your oxygen intake and releases endorphins, the feel-good hormones that make you happy. As Charlie Chaplin rightly said – ‘Laughter is the tonic, the relief, the surcease for pain’. Here go few more benefits of laughter: Laughter makes you feel better If you […]
Health Benefits of Aerobics
Nowadays, aerobics exercises are becoming more popular in fitness industry. Many research have proved that aerobic exercises not only provide physical benefits, but it also has other mental and health benefits too. These exercises are performed for long period of time with medium to low intensity which helps us to burn calories, eliminate the stress […]
Helps you lose weight If you want to cut those extra inches around your tummy, switching to green tea could be a simpler way. A new study shows that green tea extract increases the rate of calorie burning by the body. It reduces blood fat, cholesterol, bloated ness, detoxifies the body and suppresses untimely food […]
Health benefits of Raisins
Raisins are also known as ‘Kishmish’ in Hindi are extremely delicious and widely popular varieties of dry fruits. They are basically the grapes that are dried either under the sun or in the drier. Though many of us prefer not to have this dry fruit as a snack, this is one of the healthiest snacks […]
5 Health Benefits of Lemons
Lemon is a type of citrus fruit which is readily available, and it is believed from centuries that eating lemons or drinking lemon juice has many health benefits. The research states that the health benefits of lemon are due to the nutritious elements it contains, like iron, copper, magnesium, zinc, niacin, thiamine and vitamins like […]
National Nutrition Week 2017
Here we are in September month and the first week of September is known as National Nutrition Week. In this article we will share some of the great nutritious superfood which you should include in your diet and get the maximum benefits out of it. So let’s get started. Egg Yolk Eggs are packed with […]