You probably know about the relationship between smoking and lung cancer, but did you know smoking is also linked to heart disease, stroke and other chronic lung diseases? Smoking can also increase your risk for cancer of the bladder, throat and mouth, kidneys, cervix and pancreas. Thinking about quitting? Look at the facts! Why you […]

4 must eat white vegetables
If white coloured clothes have a soothing effect on people, eating white vegetables is beneficial too and you should include more of cauliflower and garlic in your diet. Here’s a list of healthy white vegetables that you should consume more: Cauliflower: It contains sulfur compounds that are associated with fighting cancer, strengthening bone tissue and maintaining […]
Desk Exercises- A smart way to stay fit at work
We know sitting at a desk all day is bad for us. But not everyone has a company gym membership or a workweek that allows for morning and afternoon fitness classes. So here are six stretches that loosen the muscles made most stiff by sitting. No gym equipment or extended lunch hours required! 1. Neck And […]
Power Nap for Productivity
If you were an employee at Google, you would be among the fortunate few to get yourself a ‘Power-Nap Pod’, a specially designed chair to take a short nap, which will wake you up with vibrations and music. Power napping is getting increasingly popular the world over due to its instant results. Many companies are […]
Jogging for better Health
Feeling lazy lately, thinking how tiresome jogging can be? Well, it’s just in the mind and once you start, it will eventually become a habit and a cakewalk! Just take out half an hour everyday and jog, and it will help immensely. Here are some of the benefits that jogging offers: -Jogging for even about […]
Melons: Good For Summer
The juicy sweetness of melons gives you the satisfaction of dessert without the hit to your waistline. The natural sweetness found in watermelons and cantaloupes can help you turn away from those ingredients to avoid: white table sugar (known as sucrose), corn syrup, and honey, all of which provide calories and few nutrients. Melons may […]
Swimming: An All- Round Exercise
Swimming is a great form of all-round exercise. It’s ideal if you want to be more active and stay healthy, whatever your age or ability. Regular swimming can reduce the risk of chronic illnesses, such as heart disease, type 2 diabetes and stroke. It can also boost your mood and keep your weight under control. Swimming is a […]
Little Jar of Happiness: Choose to Be Happy
Have you ever heard of a happiness jar? The Happy Jar is a place where we can collect happy thoughts—maybe a little thing that brightened someone’s day or a major accomplishment or milestone or something that one of us is looking forward to. As the jar fills up, it’s fun to pull out random slips and […]
Curd and Sugar-A Cooling Health Shot
A good source of protein and calcium, yogurt is a healthy addition to your diet. Like most things, however, moderation is key when it comes to eating certain types of yogurt. Though it contains some naturally occurring sugars, it can also contain a large amount of added sugar, which is something you need to limit […]
5 Everyday Habits that Actually Damage Your Back
Chronic neck and back pain are common, but what most people don’t realize is that everyday bad habits can be making your pain worse. Your muscles are used to the constant slouching and other bad patterns you’ve developed, which can eventually lead to pain. But taking better care of your back is easy once you […]