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Video- How to claim a Doctors’ Professional Indemnity insurance?

Insurance Claim Process – Doctors’ Professional Indemnity Insurance The video discusses the claim process for Doctors’ Professional Indemnity Insurance (also know as Medical Malpractice Insurance). It elaborate various steps that are involved in the claim filing process in medical professional indemnity insurance. Experience the convenience and peace of mind with systematic insurance claim filing. For […]

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Video highlighting the Important Features of Doctors Professional Indemnity Insurance

What are the important features of a Doctors Professional Indemnity Insurance (DPI) Policy?  The video outlines the types of liabilities covered by Professional indemnity insurance for Doctors, including medical negligence and professional misconduct. Additionally, the video details the costs that are covered if a doctor is sued for unintentional medical negligence. If you need assistance […]

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What are the Code of Conduct for nurses in India and analysis of cases

Introduction The nurses are responsible for providing high-quality care to their clients/patients. In their clinical practice, nurses are without question faced with different ethical problems so they know about the ethical code of conduct and the basic aspects of ethical decision-making. In recent decades, codes of ethics have been adopted for many professions. Almost all […]

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Do Veterinarian doctors face litigation?

Legal cases against veterinarian doctors Like any other doctor, veterinarian doctors have a huge responsibility on them. Understanding the problem of and treating a species that cannot speak what it feels is considerably more difficult than treating humans. People who entrust these doctors with their pets create a fiduciary relationship with them, and thus also […]

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What are the factors to consider while selecting DPI insurance providers?

  A doctor’s liability insurance policy provides financial coverage to meet third-party claims. In case of medical negligence, a doctor has to bear hefty settlements and legal costs. That’s why doctors must buy DPI insurance to cover such liabilities. All doctors must check some parameters before buying a liability insurance plan. These factors help one […]

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How can I get the best doctor PI policy from the insurer?

Doctors need a professional indemnity policy to cover them against financial liabilities in case of a lawsuit. Since these lawsuits lead to heavy legal costs and major financial settlements, they can put doctors as well as hospitals under financial strain. Most find it difficult to get the right professional indemnity (PI) policy for doctors. Here […]

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Do insurers vary in pricing for a doctor’s professional indemnity policy?

Pricing for a doctor’s professional indemnity A professional indemnity insurance policy covers doctors against third-party liabilities. A lawsuit filed in case of wrongful treatment or negligence can be expensive. The premium charged depends on many factors including the coverage and likelihood of the claim. Moreover, every insurance company follows its own pricing policy. The premium […]

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