Directors and Officers Liability Insurance

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Directors & officers (D&O) liability insurance plays a crucial role by providing coverage against various losses or damages. It may arise against directors and officers of company for wrongful acts done by them in their executive capacity. In most cases, the benefactor also covers defense costs, usually paid around the time of the final verdict. So, what is D&O Insurance Cost?

D&O insurance plays a crucial role by offering protection for claims. Claims that are against officers, directors, employees for alleged breach of facts, duty, or errors in their executive ability.

Regarding the cost of D&O insurance. It depends on a variety of factors. Like the type of your business, the revenue of your company, your past claims if any along with your debts.

The type of your industry or business helps in deciding the cost of the insurance. The cost varies as per the risks associated with your industry.

With certain industries like communication, manufacturing, transportation, financial services, etc.

Those are risky and usually opt for high coverage paying more in terms of premium. But, small or medium-sized businesses usually encounter similar D&O costs, regardless of their industry.

What affects the directors and officers insurance cost?

Young companies tend to create more liabilities for insurance companies because of their shorter financial history. Also new and unskilled management, and often imperfect policies. The benefactor will charge a high premium if you fail to prove that your business is viable. As mentioned above, your debt flow would affect the D&O cost.

This implies that if you have steady cash flow and viable debt management. You would have to pay less for your D&O insurance cover than similar company. It can be variable revenues, debit, or cash flows. For them, the cost of this policy would be higher if not proven their business is financially solid.

Opting for a low insurance cover

In any case, you should never lower your D&O liability insurance coverage just to save money on the premium. By this, we mean that even if the cost of a D&O policy feels slightly high, you should pay it to get adequate coverage. If you save a few rupees on the premium by opting for a low insurance cover. you would be liable to pay much higher costs if there is a claim in the future.

Further, there is a deductible which would also form part of the cost of the D&O insurance policy. Here, the deductible is the pre-agreed amount that you would have to pay from your pocket. Before the insurance company settles the remaining claim amount.

It is always wise to compare the D&O costs of various insurance companies before choosing an benefactor. Further, as corporate insurance is a tricky field, you can always take the help of corporate insurance advisors. Like SecureNow and choose the right director & officers liability insurance as per your needs. In this way, you can also get affordable rates on a D&O insurance policy.

Case Study 

For the last ten years, J.S Software is providing software services. It includes technical consulting, to clients situated in different parts of the world. Last year, J.S Software had to deal with a tough situation. When one of its engineers, Rahul filed a case against the executive director of the company, Prakash Raj.

Rahul filed a complaint with Prakash alleging that his manager, Shravan was discriminating on racial grounds within the team. However, Prakash did not act against Shravan, and eventually, Rahul quit his job. Rahul then filed a case against Prakash, and the court gave a verdict against Prakash and J.S Software. They had to pay Rs 25 lakh to Rahul as compensation.

This case compelled J.S Software to wonder what they could have done to avoid such a situation.


J.S Software could have saved itself from monetary losses if company had purchased Director & Officers (D&O) liability insurance policy. The policy would pay Rahul compensation and also legal costs incurred by J.S Software in defending itself in court.

While deciding the cost of the D&O insurance policy. The benefactor would have considered the number of years that the company had been in existence. Since J.S Software is in existence for the last ten years, during which it enjoyed a steady cash flow. Their premium for the insurance coverage wouldn’t have been excessive.

Furthermore, by virtue low-risk technology sector company would require to pay low cost for directors’ and officers’ insurance.

D&O insurance cost includes part of the deductible that J.S Software must pay when making a claim. Before the benefactor would have settled the remaining claim amount.

About The Author


MBA Finance

With a wealth of expertise in the insurance realm, Rajesh is a distinguished writer specializing in articles focusing on directors and officers insurance for SecureNow. Boasting 9 years of experience in the industry, he profoundly understands the complexities surrounding directors and officers liability coverage. Their articles delve into the intricacies of D&O insurance, providing readers with invaluable insights into risk mitigation strategies and policy considerations. Renowned for their comprehensive knowledge and attention to detail, Rajesh is dedicated to delivering informative and engaging content that empowers individuals and businesses to navigate the complexities of insurance with confidence.