The Workmen’s Compensation Act offers compensation to workers and their dependents in case of injury or accident that may arise out of and in the course of employment resulting in disability or death. It helps an employer to cover the legal liabilities, which may arise when one of its workers meets with an accident at […]

What Is the Purpose of Workmen’s Compensation?
The primary purpose of Workmen’s Compensation Act, 1923, is to provide financial relief to employees’ families. In case of their death or injury at the workplace. The act also provides cover for employees that get an professional disease while in employment. Enforcing the Workmen Compensation Act 1923 ensures that employers compensate employees for work-related injuries, […]
Will workers receive workmen compensation benefits if the injury was their own fault?
An employer buys a workmen compensation policy to compensate the employees/workmen and their dependant families for the loss of income caused due to workplace injury or death. The Workmen Compensation Act, 1923 offers employees compensation to cover their wage loss arising due to unforeseen perils of employment. The employer is legally liable to compensate the […]
What are 4 Work-Related Hazards and how to shield them?
For all employers, maintaining the health and well-being of the hired workforce is a significant concern. They want to ensure that all the employees feel safe and secure when they are at the workplace. It is for this reason that all the newly built office complexes are designed as per safety standards. However, certain work-related […]
3 Things Related to Workmen Compensation Insurance Policy You Might Not Know
Workers’ compensation insurance not only covers medical expenditure arising out of workplace accidents but defense costs as well. Here are a few things about worker’s compensation benefits that you might not know.
What is Workers Compensation and how does it work?
The Workmen’s Compensation Act, 1923 makes it mandatory for an employer to compensate the worker and/or the worker’s family in case the worker dies, becomes injured, or suffers a disability during the course of his/her employment. If the worker suffers from any physical disability due to the nature of his employment. Then the employer becomes […]
What are the major exclusions under Workmen Compensation Policy?
A Workmen’s Compensation Policy provides financial protection to the employer in case the employee suffers an injury, death, or disability during the course of employment. The employer is liable to compensate the employee when he/she suffers an injury during the course of the employment. A Workmen’s Compensation Policy takes care of this financial liability faced […]
Risks That Construction Companies Should Consider While Employing Blue Collared Workers
The construction industry is the key driving force of our economy. It provides employment to a large number of the people of our country. Construction workers form an important component of our dynamic workforce. We depend on construction workers to build our homes, construct office buildings, and pave and repair our roads. However, construction workers […]
Construction Site in India – A Big Risk For Workers
India’s construction industry is the country’s second-largest employer and contributor to economic activity, after agriculture. According to government estimates, it grew by 80 percent in the last four years, from $78 billion in 2013 to approximately $140 billion this year. Thus, a construction site in India also possesses a high level of risk for workers. […]
Does your Business Need Workmen Compensation Insurance Policy?
Yes, you need a workers’ compensation insurance policy, even if you have fewer employees. The fact is that any business working either part-time or full-time is vulnerable to lots of expenses if its employees become sick. Even if your business is statutorily exempt from buying coverage, you should properly weigh all the catastrophic costs of […]