Workmen Compensation

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The construction industry is the key driving force of our economy. It provides employment to a large number of the people of our country. Construction workers form an important component of our dynamic workforce. We depend on construction workers to build our homes, construct office buildings, and pave and repair our roads. However, construction workers are at huge health risks. Construction site accidents and injuries can occur anytime. Workers often have to work at high elevations or in tight, enclosed spaces and deal with heavy and powerful machinery construction sites are fraught with dangers and injuries can occur if construction safety guidelines are not followed properly Although there are so many ways for construction injuries to happen, certain types of accidents tend to happen more frequently than others.

Common construction site accidents include:

Body movement injuries

Such injuries may occur when a worker has to constantly bend, crawl, twist, and indulge in high potential bodily injury-causing activities.

Transportation incidents

Most factory worker injuries occur due to transportation incidents, including those on forklifts. Other incidents that are covered include traveling between job sites, or using company vehicles for work purposes.

Exposure to harmful substances in the environment 

Many factory employees are at huge health risks due to inhaling or contact with hazardous chemicals.

Contact with objects and equipment 

Workers may become severely injured and may suffer a loss of limbs by being ensnared in dangerous equipment.

Fires and explosions 

Fires can cause grave injuries. Fire explosions are fatal when they spread to flammable and highly combustible materials within a manufacturing plant.


Musculoskeletal disorders (MSDs) result from overexertion. The MSDs are covered under workmen compensation policies, providing financial protection and medical benefits for employees who experience MSDs as a result of their work activities, such as lifting heavy objects or repetitive tasks. They are a common type of injury among factory workers. As the nature of the work requires the worker to perform high-energy intensive physical tasks, such as lifting, workers may experience overexertion.

Repetitive motion 

Some injuries result from factory workers doing the same movement over and over. Doing the same bodily activities time and again can cause the soft tissues to wear out and wear down. Tissue damage can result in significant pain and lead to a whole host of other health problems.

An example of a repetitive motion injury in factory workers is carpal tunnel syndrome, which can develop from repetitive hand and wrist movements such as assembly line work, causing pain, numbness, and weakness in the hand, wrist, and fingers due to pressure on the median nerve.

Falling from heights 

A worker may suffer injuries due to falling from heights, scaffolding, or pieces of machinery to the ground below. Workers can also fall into holes or ditches on construction sites.

Trench collapse 

When a trench collapses, a worker’s air supply can be cut off. He can suffer crushing injuries that can be fatal.

Consequences of construction accidents and Workmen Compensation policy to the rescue

Unfortunately, injuries of construction workers not only affect their health and livelihood but also poses a challenge for their family as well. On-the-job injuries can lead to expensive medical bills and treatments. Besides, it can cause a loss of wages and earning ability if the injury keeps the victim away from work. Families can be in dire financial circumstances if they’re not careful.

Given the above risks of construction site accidents, consult an insurance expert to guide you about the right compensation policy. A Workmen Compensation Insurance Policy will help an employer cover medical expenses and statutory liabilities arising due to employee accidents at the workplace.