20. Focus on the activities and people that make you happy.- This isn’t high school anymore, where we have to please people just to be considered cool and fit in. This is the real world and in the real world all you have to worry about is yourself and not what others think about you. […]

How to choose from multiple health insurance policies | Business Standard
Choose from multiple health insurance policies | Business Standard. “My employer already provides group health insurance for my entire family. Should I take individual cover, too?” Earlier, this was often asked. Nowadays, most people buy individual health insurance policies as well, due to concern on coverage after retirement, as most employer policies don’t provide for […]
Health Benefits of Bananas
Banana is one fruit that is widely available across the globe. Indians consume more bananas than apples or oranges and there is a good reason for it as well. It tastes good, it is loaded with nutrients and it is cheap. Bananas are an excellent source of potassium, vitamin C, vitamin B6, carbohydrates, fibres, and […]
9 Symptoms of Breast Cancer
A diagnosis of cancer, or even being told of a suspicion of cancer, can make you extremely fearful. You reflect on friends or family who died of cancer or of celebrities with cancer that died. (Other than Suzanne Somers who went alternative, survived, thrived and wrote a book about it.) Even TV shows or movies […]
Belly Fat Reducing Exercises
How to reduce belly fat? This is the most common search on the internet and the answer to this question is simple. Having healthy diet and regular exercise can contribute in reducing the tummy fat. These two things should work hand in hand and are equally important as good nutrition combined with physical activity will […]
Signs of Breast Cancer
Often there are no outward signs of breast cancer that you can see or feel. If there are outward signs, the more common ones include a lump, an area of thickening, or a dimple in the breast. Less common signs include breast swelling and redness or an enlarged underarm lymph node. But even if you […]
5 Ways to get rid of Acne
There are lots of facts and myths on ‘how to treat acne and get rid of it’ present on the internet. So, what exactly an acne is? It is basically a skin condition that occurs due to clogging of follicle of a skin gland. Excess sebum secretion by the oil glands is the primary cause […]
8 Foods You Should Eat to Manage Type 2 Diabetes
Beans If you’re looking for foods that raise blood-sugar levels slowly and gently like rolling waves, choose high-quality carbohydrates instead of low-quality carbs like refined grains and sugary foods. Whenever possible, you’ll want to couple these carbs with protein and/or healthy fat. Beans (including black, white, navy, lima, pinto, garbanzo, soy, and kidney) are a winning combination of […]
Ill effects of wearing headphones for long hours
Is music your safe haven from the hellish traffic jams you travel through everyday? You might need to re-think this strategy. Drowning out incessant honking on roads with Comfortably Numb, might just be numbing your eardrums for life. In today’s world of iPods and phones that can play music, most people are plugged in constantly. […]
Breast Cancer is the leading cancer with women in NCR
Breast cancer is a prevalent type of cancer among women worldwide, including in the National Capital Region (NCR) of India. It is important for women to be aware of the symptoms and risk factors for breast cancer and to consult with a healthcare professional for regular screenings and checkups. Early detection and treatment can improve […]