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Intermediaries and the enhanced foreign investment limit

Published in Asia Insurance Review. In 2019 the Indian government permitted 100% foreign investment in insurance intermediary companies. Has this move been useful and productive for them? Asia Insurance Review spoke with SecureNow’s Mr Kapil Mehta to understand the implications of the change. The insurer and the insured are the two main components of insurance; […]

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How are Claims Estimated in General Insurance Policies?

General insurance policies are non-life insurance policies that provide coverage for a wide range of risks and liabilities. They include insurance products such as property insurance, motor insurance, health insurance, travel insurance, liability insurance, and other types of coverage that protect individuals, businesses, and assets against potential losses or damages. Claim payments under general insurance […]

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Common General Insurance Terms You Should Be Aware Of

Here are some of the commonly used general insurance terms: Insurance: It is a contract between two people (or companies) wherein one of the persons agrees to cover the risk of the former and promises to compensate him in the case of any loss. Proposal: It is the application form for applying for insurance cover. […]

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What is General Insurance?

Any insurance other than life insurance is called general insurance. There are certain principles that guide any insurance contract, the principle of indemnity being one of them. This principle dictates that the insured should not profit from the insurance claim, meaning the insurance contract is expected to compensate for the loss incurred by the insured, […]

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5 Benefits of Buying General Insurance Online

How do you decide which insurer to go for when buying a general insurance policy? How do you decide which plan suits your needs best? Can you ensure that you have understood everything about the policy and process? Will your claim be quickly processed when you need it most? All these are questions which keep […]

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What are the different types of General Insurance Policies?

Conceptually and legally, Insurance is of two types – life and general insurance. Any insurance policy insuring anything other than risk to a person’s life is a ‘general insurance’ or ‘non-life insurance policy.’ General insurance policies will insure anything other than the life of an individual. For example: Depending on what (the asset which is […]

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General Insurance: A Need of the Hour for Companies

Most companies are interested in insurance policies which will help protect them from future perils and mishaps. With increasing number of risks to businesses these days, companies more than ever before are in need of a good insurance policy.  However when it comes down to choosing the best policy they find the process difficult and […]

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What is excess in professional indemnity insurance?

Excess in professional indemnity insurance is defined as a small percentage of total sum insured which is payable by the insured at the time of claim. Insured has to borne the part of every claim which is a fixed amount prior to payment by the insurance company. This fixed portion of the claim which is […]

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