Health Insurance is a lifesaver protection plan. It keeps you solvent in the time of medical issues. As medical cost is shooting up, it becomes crucial to consider the smooth claim settlement process as a key factor while buying your health insurance policy. Always, check the settlement ratio of insurers in order for making a […]

Staying healthy despite high levels of air pollution – eleven quick tips
As the winter season approaches in our country, wind movements reduce and the cold air settles low over the ground. Well-populated cities in the northern, western and eastern parts of the country traditionally face a blanket of smog at this time, created by dust, vehicular and industrial pollution which causes air pollution. Unfortunately in the […]
Why you are advised to buy an independent health plan even after being covered by a GMC
If you are a salaried employee, chances are that you are enjoying an employer-sponsored group mediclaim policy. If the employer is paying the premiums of the policy under its employee benefits program, the coverage is even free for you. Alternatively, you might also enjoy group health insurance coverage by being the account holder of a […]
Reimbursement vs Cashless Claim Settlement Process
Health insurance plans have two types of claim settlement processes: cashless and reimbursement. What is a cashless claim? Any policyholder can get medical treatment i.e planned and emergency hospitalization at a hospital listed in the network by the insurer/TPA without having to pay. The cashless request also can be initiated prior to the admission date […]
Does your Family Health Insurance Policy has following three features?
Good health is surely something that we all crave. We wish to stay fit and healthy. However, these days most of us are mostly surrounded by some other ailments. Family floater policies, in such a scenario, can make health care a bit affordable for your family. Family floater policies have many advantages over other health […]
What is a TPA and what are its functions in health insurance?
TPA stands for Third Party Administrator. It is an intermediary company between an insured and an insurer. It provides a supporting role to the insurer in terms of claim settlement. This body obtains a license from IRDA in order to function in the insurance industry. The third-party administrator knows all the aspects of health insurance […]