Marine Insurance

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A marine insurance policy consists of several warranties. Marine Insurance covers the loss or damage of ships, cargo, or by any other means of transport, that’s transporting property. Therefore, it offers a warranty to an insured promise to do or not to do some particular thing. And so we must know what exactly a warranty is and everything about it.

What is a warranty?

A warranty is an:

  • Important legal undertaking between the insured and the insurance service provider.
  • The brunt lies on the insured person, that a specific action will be performed, or will not be performed, or certain conditions have been met with or will be fulfilled.
  • Legal commitment, ensuring that certain facts do not exist. In other words, it is a matter-of-fact understanding between the insured and the insurer.

What does a warranty imply?

This warranty implies that the matter (voyage) insured is conducted in a lawful manner. That no content, object, person, or any condition, attached to the insurance policy undertaking is illegal.

Why is warranty crucial?

It is a legal statement, that makes the aforementioned promises. It is a promise of faith, which takes the form of a legal obligation by the insured. If not adhering to any warranty statement or fact, then the insurance contract or policy stands null and void.

Under no circumstance, the insured can break this legal promise or warranty. Even if the breach of warranty is not relevant to the risk at any given point in time, it still applies and considers unlawful.

See: What is covered under Marine Insurance

When the warranty is not applicable?

The only exception here is a condition or representation, which makes the warranty non-applicable in present circumstances. Otherwise, there is no way in which an insured can reverse his fortunes, by attempting to reverse the existing action (which is a breach of warranty). Sometimes, the marine insurer can waive the breach of warranty.

Nature of Warranty

In certain cases, your insurance service provider will explicitly attach warranties to your insurance, to limit their risk. If a breach happens, then your insurer has the right to cancel the insurance policy. Therefore, it is important to understand the effect of warranties, as a part of your policy, and make sure you have an adequate policy.

The type of warranties clearly mentioned by the insurer, or included in your policy, is known as express warranties. There are certain types of warranties that only imply and understand between the two parties. These warranties are legally binding.

Case on Warranty Insurance

M/S Shipping is a logistics company. The company has a marine insurance policy that is time-based. The company has an insurance policy covering in-transit risks for its small fleet. On February 01, 2017, the company has two cargo ships starting from the coastal region of Karnataka.

Scenario 1 One of the consignments is urgent. M/S Shipping Company knows in advance that the weather may get rough in 3-4 days’ time. It cancels one cargo but does not cancel the other one. If any loss or damage to the cargo ship (during transit) happens, M/S Shipping may not entitle to an insurance benefit. Knowing the sea perils, it still carried on. This is a clear breach of warranty.

Scenarios 2 Suppose the consignment delivers safely to the consignee. Upon receiving the packaged goods, everything seems in fine condition. As the goods reach the warehouse, upon opening the package, the consignee notices damage to certain packages. It is likely that the cargo insurance contract still stands cancelled, as goods resulted in damage during the sea journey. Since M/S Shipping was aware of the risks, it continued thereby breaching the warranty.

About The Author


MBA Insurance and Risk

With extensive experience in the insurance industry, Simran is a seasoned writer specializing in articles on marine insurance for SecureNow. Drawing from 5 years of expertise in the field, she possesses a comprehensive understanding of the complexities and nuances of marine insurance policies. Her articles offer valuable insights into various aspects of marine insurance, including cargo protection, hull insurance, and liability coverage for marine-related risks. Renowned for their insightful analysis and informative content, Simran is committed to providing readers with actionable information that helps them navigate the intricacies of marine insurance with confidence.