Published in Mint on 6 October, 2015, Written by Abhishek Bondia Are there any differences in critical illness riders of various insurers? —Jayant S. There are differences in critical illness riders. First, the number of illnesses covered under critical illness vary substantially. On average, plans cover about 10-12 critical illness. On the lower side, plans […]
Q&A: It’s difficult to take cashless cover from two insurers for same claim
Published in Mint on 30th April 2018. Written by Abhishek Bondia Is it possible to get cashless coverage from two insurers simultaneously? —Ravi B. When the sum insured gets used up in one insurance policy, you can claim the balance amount from the second insurer. The second insurer will insist on the final claim settlement […]
All insurers have some restrictions on pre-existing diseases
Published in Mint on 13 October, 2015, Written by Abhishek Bondia What does one get if she survives the term of the policy? —Karthika In case of a typical term insurance policy, the survivor does not get any benefit on expiry of the policy term. A term insurance policy is a protection plan. So, if […]
Revive lapsed policies by paying interest on unpaid premiums
Published in Mint on 20 October, 2015, Written by Abhishek Bondia What does one get if she survives the term of the policy? —Karthika In case of a typical term insurance policy, the survivor does not get any benefit on expiry of the policy term. A term insurance policy is a protection plan. So, if […]
Four reasons why Indians buy such little general insurance
Published in Mint on 16th April, 2018. Written by Kapil Mehta. Insurance penetration in India is low, particularly for general insurance, which includes motor, health, property and liability covers. We buy about Rs750 of general insurance per person per year compared to over Rs6,500 in Russia, China or Brazil, according to a report by the International […]
Insurers don’t prefer to cover houses that have basements
Published in Mint on 27 October, 2015, Written by Abhishek Bondia Which documents are needed to make a motor insurance claim? — Kishore Chanani For minor repairs, you need to submit the invoice copy of repairs and Know-Your-Customer (KYC) documents such as permanent account number (PAN), address proof and registration certificate (RC) of the vehicle. […]
Sum assured of riders and extent of cover tends to be less than in standalone policies
Published in Mint on 8th April 2018. Written by Abhishek Bondia. Should I buy a term plan with riders, or should I buy all the insurance separately? Buying a combined product is convenient. If I take different covers, it means more work. —Rahul Sethi A life insurance policy offers several riders such as critical illness, […]
Term insurance policies provide worldwide coverage
Published in Mint on 3 November, 2015, Written by Abhishek Bondia Does a term plan have worldwide coverage? —R. Kurien Term insurance has worldwide coverage. However, while underwriting, insurers make an assessment of risk. Generally, if you have travelled to certain high-risk zones, they will reject your application. My view is that you should give […]
5 Ways To Treat Muscle Knots
We often here the term ‘muscle knot’, but what exactly this mean? Is your muscle really get tied in knots? No, not really. Muscle knot is basically a lumpy spot in the muscle or fascial tissue also known as known as myofascial trigger points. This happens when various muscle fiber starts to stick each other […]
5 Ways to Boost Immune System
Our immune system does an incredible job of defending you against the disease-causing bacteria. Hence it is important to keep your immune system strong. Working on boosting immune system is the great way to ensure that you stay well in coming summer. In this article, we are going to discuss five ways to boost your […]