Tea has seen a major rise in popularity in recent years. This may be because of the proven fact that tea is good for you and have many health benefits. Where green tea and black tea are popular today, white tea on the other hand is also gaining popularity. This is because it is the […]

How HIV is spread
People have lots of questions about the ways you can get HIV. HIV is transmitted in blood, semen, vaginal fluids, and breast milk. The most common ways HIV is spread are by having vaginal or anal intercourse without a condom with someone who has HIV/AIDS sharing needles or syringes with someone who has HIV/AIDS being […]
3 Exercises To Relieve Sore Neck
Whether you sit on the desk and stare at the computer all day or slept in an incorrect position last night, neck pain happens. Over 80% of human experiences neck pain at some point in their lives. Most neck problems are caused because of forward head posture which puts enormous amount of pressure on neck […]
HIV Symptoms
AIDS symptoms appear in the most advanced stage of HIV disease. In addition to a badly damaged immune system, a person with AIDS may also have- thrush — a thick, whitish coating of the tongue or mouth that is caused by a yeast infection and sometimes accompanied by a sore throat severe or recurring vaginal […]
How HIV is treated?
There is no cure for HIV, but treatment options are much better than they were a few decades ago. The medicines that treat HIV are called antiretroviral drugs. There are 25 of them in 6 major types, and each uses a different way to fight the virus in your body. Your doctor will probably recommend […]
Lung Cancer Causes and Symptoms
Lung cancer is the uncontrolled growth of abnormal cells that start off in one or both lungs; usually in the cells that line the air passages. The abnormal cells do not develop into healthy lung tissue, they divide rapidly and form tumors. As tumors become larger and more numerous, they undermine the lung’s ability to provide […]
Habits to keep your heart healthy
If you’re a smoker, quit. It’s the single best thing you can do for your heart health.
Smoking is one of the main causes of coronary heart disease. A year after giving up, your risk of a heart attack falls to about half that of a smoker.
You’re more likely to stop smoking for good if you use NHS stop smoking services. Visit the Smokefree website or ask your GP for help with quitting.
How to Keep a Food Diary and Why
Many nutritional experts agree that keeping a food diary is critical to weight loss success. A food diary creates a conscious awareness of food intake and eating patterns. After keeping a diary many people are often surprised at how that “occasional” big dessert turns out to be a regular occurrence. While some factors such as […]
Preventing Hepatitis
How to prevent hepatitis A Wash your hands with soap after going to the toilet Only consume food that has just been cooked Only drink commercially bottled water, or boiled water if you’re unsure of local sanitation Only eat fruits that you can peel if you are somewhere where sanitation is unreliable Only eat raw […]
Symptoms of Hepatitis
Hepatitis is swelling and inflammation of the liver.Hepatitis is most commonly caused by a viral infection. There are, however, other causes of hepatitis. These include autoimmune hepatitis (a disease occurring when the body makes antibodies against the liver tissue) and hepatitis that occurs as a secondary result of medications, drugs, toxins and alcohol. The liver […]