Workers’ Compensation Insurance is a critical component of safeguarding employees’ well-being and financial security in organizations. It offers coverage and benefits to employees who are injured or unwell at work. However, an employee’s damage may occur as a result of their own carelessness or negligence. In such instances, it is critical to comprehend the consequences […]

ESI or WC Which is best applicable to my Organisation?
ESI or WC – Applicability When it comes to ensuring the well-being and protection of employees, two important policies come into play: Employees’ State Insurance (ESI) and Workmen’s Compensation Insurance (WC). In the event of work-related injuries or illnesses, these policies provide financial support and medical benefits to employees and their families. Understanding the applicability and […]
Video- Why do you need a Workmen compensation insurance?
Workers Compensation Insurance This video blog discusses the significance of workmen compensation policy or workers compensation insurance coverage through a real-life case study. Workmen’s compensation is a vital insurance policy that provides financial assistance to employees in case of any work-related injury, illness of death a the workplace. It highlights the importance of understanding the benefits […]
Need for Workmen compensation insurance – Infographic
A workmen’s compensation policy is a commercial insurance policy that covers the legal liability of an employer under the Workmen Compensation Act of India, which is monitored by the Ministry of Labour & Employment. Labourers have the highest probability of injuries or death on the worksite for which this policy provides compensation. Workmen or employees […]
How to choose the best insurance provider for purchasing WC policy for labourers?
How to choose the best insurance provider for WC Policy? Workmen or employees are the most valuable assets of any company. The responsibility to provide them with a safe working environment lies with the employer. In this regard, every employer lays down various safety measures. However, accidents at the workplace are unexpected. Accidents may lead […]
Why do I need workmen compensation policy?
Workers and employees are always at risk of suffering employment-related hazards during their employment term. Often labourers have the highest probability of injuries or death on the work site. An organization becomes financially responsible to compensate workers/ or their family members for losses suffered due to: any physical injury disability or death due to their […]
Implication of Workmen’s compensation Act, 1923 and Factories Act, 1948,on a Business Owner.
Introduction to Workmen Compensation Act and Factories Act The Factories Act, of 1948, and the Workmen’s Compensation Act are based on the idea of improving working conditions. These Acts intend to regulate the health and safety of young persons, women, and children employed in the factories. They offer exhaustive coverage of situations where health and […]
10 Things business owners must do to comply with workmen’s compensation act, 1923 & factories act, 1948
The Workmen’s Compensation Act 1923 and Factories Act, 1948 protect the interest of the workers and also provides financial liability protection to employers. The Acts intends to improve working conditions and regulate the health and safety of young persons, women, and children employed in the factories. Workmen’s Compensation policy also pays for legal costs and […]
How does Workman Compensation benefit an Organisation?
A workman compensation insurance policy enables an organisation or employer to cover any liability arising due to injury, disability or death of a worker or employee while at work under the Workmen Compensation Act, 1923. It offers legal coverage against liability that may arise during the business. In general, most insurers also cover the claims […]
What are the Statutory Requirements for Workers’ Compensation Insurance?
An employer can take Workers’ Compensation Insurance to get protection against financial uncertainties. It covers the risk of injury, disease and death of an employee at the workplace. Note that buying workman compensation insurance is not mandatory but paying workers compensation on injury is mandatory. Therefore, many manufacturers need to buy statutory requirements for Workers […]