The world is full of uncertainties and you don’t know what the future holds for you. That’s why it is advisable to take precautions today for a better future. Particularly if you own a business, then you should prepare yourself to deal with the associated risks. With the hard work of your employees/workers, your business […]

How to Calculate a Settlement in a Workman Compensation Injury?
Workman Compensation Injury and Settlement Calculation Calculating a Settlement in a Workman Compensation Injury relies on the incidence. This is the incident which has led to the compensation. To calculate a settlement for a Workman Compensation Injury, note the following guidelines: Under the workmen compensation act, 1923, the maximum Monthly Wage allowed for the calculation […]
Amount of Worker’s comp are Entitled to Under Workmen Compensation Act
The Workmen’s Compensation Act of 1923 works to safeguard Indian workers who experience injuries from accidents at the workplace. It helps in estimating worker’s comp amount under Workmen Compensation Act. The employer offers this compensation to the worker if injury or death resulting from the tasks they perform. Workmen’s compensation also protects employers by establishing […]
Workmen Compensation Act vs. Employee Compensation Act – Key Differences
The major differences between the Workmen Compensation Act (1923) and the Employee Compensation Act are as follows: Workmen Compensation Act, 1923 Employee Compensation Act The insured party is called workman or workmen in the act The insured party is called employee or employees in the act Clerks were not considered to as workmen and thus, […]
How is a Claim Payable under Worker Compensation Insurance if They Are also Covered under Health insurance?
Worker compensation insurance gives legal liability coverage to the employer. It helps the employer to cover the financial and legal costs when one of its employees suffers injury during working hours. Similarly, a group health insurance policy takes care of the medical expenses of the employee. Both covers serve different purposes. An employee can get […]
How to File A Workmen Compensation Claim?
Workmen compensation policy is the primary method by which you (as an employer) meet the responsibilities imposed by the worker’s compensation statutes. The policy covers your statutory liability for death or bodily injuries caused to your employees, which arises during employment.