Published in Mint on 17th January 2014, Written by Kapil Mehta In July 2013, after Mint had published the first health insurance rating, I received a call from an angry public relations executive of an insurer. “Why have you rated our product low?” he demanded. I pointed him to the rating criteria that were published, […]
Exercises You Can Do At Your Desk
Putting in a full day at the office can make it hard to find the time to exercise. But most of us have a bit of a lag between tasks as we sit in front of our computers, and we can take advantage of a few minutes here and a few minutes there to get […]
Insurance companies to offer standard covid-19 health policies from 10 July
Published in Livemint. After much deliberation, the Insurance Regulatory and Development Authority of India (Irdai) on Friday published the guidelines for the covid-19 standard benefit-based and the covid-19 standard indemnity health policies. All life, general and standalone health insurance companies have been encouraged to offer the benefit-based policy, while all health and general insurance companies […]
Test 1
Hi world
Don’t hide any fact from insurer while filling proposal form
Published in Mint on Jan 14 2014, written by Kapil Mehta How long does it usually take for the insurer to pay claims that happen due to critical illness? —P. Chandra The insurance regulator requires insurers to settle claims within 30 days of receiving the required documents and clarifications. Payment time for critical illness is similar […]
Bank locker theft: Who is liable?
Published in Mint on 20th November, 2017. Around 46 years ago, on a September weekend in London, thieves dug a tunnel to enter Lloyds Bank on Baker Street and broke into the safety deposit boxes of the bank, stealing close to £500,000. Thirty six years later, in 2008, in a movie called The Bank Job, Hollywood […]
Top FinTech Companies in India
India is currently one of the most active FinTech markets in the world. As a result, it has drawn the maximum investments in the sector, along with China. Two important missions led by the Government of India, one of Financial Inclusion and the other of a Digital India, are driving innovation. Thus, such initiatives have […]
Learner’s with valid licence are covered by motor insurance
Published in Mint on Jan 07 2014, Written by Kapil Mehta My daughter, who has a learner’s licence, had an accident recently wherein she drove into a small shop. I want to know that since the car is in my name, will the insurance company compensate the shop owner? —M. Chabbra There are three implicit insurance […]
Insurance companies can now sell short-term covid-19 health plans
Published in Livemint In a bid to offer better coverage to policyholders amid the covid-19 pandemic, the Insurance Regulatory and Development Authority of India (Irdai) has sent out draft guidelines to all general and health insurance companies, mandating them to offer standard indemnity and fixed-benefit plans for covid-19. Life and general insurers have also been […]
How much sum assured, and other common questions
Published in Mint on 5th November,2014, Written by Kapil Mehta I like algorithms. These systematic rules can solve most problems. Google’s PageRank forms the basis of Web search; travelling salesman algorithms help schedule flights; poor quality queuing algorithms explain why I always have the longest wait at elevators in Gurgaon. In this column, I share […]