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Do your health insurance cover gym and sports injuries?

I used to think that only professionals and athletes in highly competitive sports suffered serious sports injuries. A memory of such injury was when Mary Decker, top seed US runner, fell grievously in the 3000 km sprint at the 1984 Los Angeles Olympics. But the truth about sports injuries struck home, about two decades ago […]

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How does daily hospital cash policy work?

The daily hospital cash policy provides a fixed amount for each day when hospitalized. Fixing the daily limit at the time of enrollment for the policy remains the same for the duration of cover. The policy pays a fixed benefit for each day of hospitalization irrespective of the actual medical costs incurred in treatment.   […]

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Benefits and process of porting from group to individual cover

The Health Regulations of 2016 include portability guidelines for changing from group to individual health insurance policies. Members covered under a group health insurance policy can port/migrate to an individual policy with the same insurer. Let’s look into the benefits and process of porting from group to individual insurance cover. Benefits of porting The insurer […]

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The lady with Parkinson’s

Published in Mint on Feb 06 2017, Written by Kapil Mehta A few days ago, as I walked from office to the local market for lunch, an elderly lady standing on the roadside started speaking to me. I assumed she was asking for money and quickened my pace. Fortunately, my sixth sense made me turn […]

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What is the difference between mediclaim and health insurance?

Health insurance policies are usually called mediclaim policies because, in earlier years when the health insurance concept was new, there were few health insurance policies in the market. And they went by the name of mediclaim. See What is the difference between mediclaim and health insurance? Even today, when there are hundreds of health insurance […]

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What is the difference between mediclaim and the health insurance?

Health insurance policies are usually called mediclaim policies because in earlier years, when the health insurance concept was new, there were few health insurance policies in the market and they went by the name of mediclaim. See What is the difference between mediclaim and health insurance? Even today, when there are hundreds of health insurance […]

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AYUSH benefit in individual health insurance plans

In its health regulation, 2013, the Insurance Regulatory and Development Authority of India (IRDAI) asked individual health insurance companies to include AYUSH in their policies. (AYUSH stands for Ayurveda, yoga & naturopathy, Unani, Siddha, and homeopathy.) What this means is that insurance providers will reimburse medical expenses incurred on in-patient treatment under homeopathy, Ayurveda, Siddha, […]

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What does a Health Insurance policy not cover?

You do not know what can happen tomorrow. Buying a health insurance policy without knowing the restrictions and exclusions is not a good move. Awareness of exclusions is equally important as the scope of coverage. Health insurance manages your medical cost. But there are some treatments which health insurance does not cover. It is crucial […]

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