While buying insurance policies for your business, it is better to have sufficient knowledge about the cover you are availing and the insurer that you are about to choose. It is not enough to do your research online only. It is highly advisable to ask as many questions as possible to your advisor. With increased […]
General Insurance
Listing of General Insurance Companies – How will It Affect the Policyholder?
Listing of any company on the stock exchange would imply increased public shareholding. In a recent decision taken by the Government, around five major public sector General Insurance companies are going to be listed with reduced share of the Government to 75%. The decision comes at a time when there is a lot of pressure […]
How to Buy the Best General Insurance for Your Business
Looking to make it big in the corporate world? If you are a business person, your primary focus would be to make it a successful venture which cannot be possible until and unless you provide the best facilities to all the people connected to your business! Although you might have invested in all the possible […]