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How do doctors stay insured for risky procedures?

Qualifying as a medical practitioner is a matter of great pride and honor. A doctor’s job is to diagnose the patient’s ailment and treat him to good health. While some treatments are minor, there are complicated and riskier procedures too. A doctor treats a patient with utmost caution but during a complicated procedure, things might […]

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Which doctors face the highest number of malpractice claims?

The medical profession requires skill and specialization. Doctors occasionally commit unintentional mistakes that may cost the life of a patient or cause disabilities. The risk of an error is more for a specialist who performs complex procedures. With the increased awareness among people now a days doctors malpractice claims are on the rise was well. […]

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What is medical indemnity insurance policy?

Medical indemnity insurance policy is a type of professional liability insurance that is primarily available for medical practitioners and for medical establishments. Also referred to as doctor’s professional liability insurance, it is specially designed to provide financial protection to medical practitioners against legal costs and compensation costs arising out of litigations when they get sued […]

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Do doctors get sued often? Importance of DPI

Doctors face medical challenges and complicated conditions every day. They try their best to ensure that the patients recover. However, despite their best intentions doctors might make mistakes and get sued by their patients. Doctors face numerous medical challenges and complicated conditions every day, which can result in adverse outcomes for their patients. In some […]

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