Marine Insurance

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A particular average clause refers to the particular loss or damage caused to cargo due to a particular peril. The person affected by the damage to the cargo bears the loss. Thus, in any situation, it is not possible to shift the burden of loss to others involved in the shipment.

So, under the particular average loss in marine insurance, the owner of damaged ship or cargo has to bear the cost.

Partial loss caused due to insured peril

According to the Marine Insurance Act, 1906, particular average loss is partial loss ,i.e, any loss other than a total loss. It is due to an insured peril and is not a general average loss.

During the voyage, when parts of the cargo are damaged due to seawater, it was seen as a particular average loss. Hence, specific person getting affected directly due to damage to the said cargo bears the losses.

The particular average loss for cargo may happen due to lowering of cargo’s value, due to some factors during the voyage.

Also, partial damage caused to the ship are a particular average loss with regards to the ship (hull or machinery). There should not be a total loss of the ship.

Claim amount paid by the insurance company

Under this clause, amount an insurance company has to pay to indemnify policy-holder depends on the cargo insurance premium. Usually, the insurer has to pay for the loss for which the policyholder pays the premium.

it is important to note that the amount insurance company has to pay is independent to the market price. The amount does not depend what the goods might fetch when they reach the port of destination or arrival.

Therefore, understanding the average clause in marine insurance requires careful attention to details


It had been a smooth journey for the ship Tango which was sailing from India to Sri Lanka. However, after two days of sailing, the ship’s propeller suffered damage due to bad weather. To continue the voyage, the ship required some repair work as well.

The expenditure on the repairing work was borne by the shipowner. As the shipowner had marine cargo insurance, the insurer settled or indemnified the claim.

However, it settled the claim on the basis of the diminished value of the property sustained due to losses or damages. Losses or damages were due to an insured peril, which was a natural calamity. Hence, in this case, the insurance company considered it as a particular average and settled the claim accordingly.

Case: 2

A certain ship was carrying a cargo worth Rs 1 crore when suddenly, due to mechanical issues, it started overheating. The captain immediately informed the shipowner who tried to find out all the possible ways to safeguard the goods.

Finally, the cargo owner decided to sell the cargo at a lower value (5 Lakhs) at a mid-way port. However, the cargo owner could earn about Rs 9 lakh with the sale of goods in the market. However, the cargo owner could earn about Rs 9 lakh with the sale of goods in the market.

In this case, the cargo owner had to incur losses due to selling the goods urgently. The cargo owner had a  cargo insurance policy. So, he contacted the insurer who considered it as particular damage and decided to settle the claim.

As the cargo-owner had to sell goods suddenly, they incurred losses. The insurer considered it as part of the particular average loss. Therefore, the claim was settled as per the partial loss clause.

About The Author


MBA Insurance and Risk

With extensive experience in the insurance industry, Simran is a seasoned writer specializing in articles on marine insurance for SecureNow. Drawing from 5 years of expertise in the field, she possesses a comprehensive understanding of the complexities and nuances of marine insurance policies. Her articles offer valuable insights into various aspects of marine insurance, including cargo protection, hull insurance, and liability coverage for marine-related risks. Renowned for their insightful analysis and informative content, Simran is committed to providing readers with actionable information that helps them navigate the intricacies of marine insurance with confidence.