Marine Insurance

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The Franchise Clause in Insurance applies the minimum amount of claim acceptable by the insurer. Generally, insurers decide the franchisé limit based on the type of insurance and the feasibility of recovering the loss from the erring party.

The franchise clause in marine insurance proves invaluable in various scenarios. It allows for cost-effective claims handling by avoiding small, insignificant claims. Additionally, it encourages policyholders to take preventive measures, reducing the frequency of claims and ultimately benefiting both the insured and the insurer. Explore more here..

Reasons that justify the use of the franchise:

  • The insurer will try to recover/salvage the loss
  • The cost of recovery/salvage should be lower than the claim payable
  • A higher recovery cost affects the insurer’s sustainability

The franchisé Clause in Insurance was usually applied to marine policies to reduce the number of claims in a policy year and to maintain the above justifications. Nowadays very few insurers use it for Marine Cargo and Hull Policies. However, still, use while covering the ship operator’s interest in the cargo.

franchisée works as a percentage of the sum insured, below which no claim is admissible by the insurer. However, when the claim amount is beyond the limit, the entire claim is admissible by the insurer.

When a claim becomes payable deductible (see What is Deductible?) & co-pay (see What is Co-Pay?) come into the picture if applicable.

Additional Read: For what duration Marine Inland Transit Insurance clauses apply?

A Case for Franchise Clause 

Ankur Jain is an exporter and uses the services of shipping company Chandan Shipping for his regular shipments. The usual size of shipment is approximately Rs. 5.7 crores (CIF) for Ankur.

His insurer uses a franchisé clause of 10% of the S.I. (for shipments above Rs. 5 Crores, with other rates for lower-value shipments) for covering his cargo to ensure that in the case of damage to the goods, the claim is sufficiently large.

The insurer, as explained by the advisor, is to reduce the burden of filing small claims.

On a voyage to Europe, the pirates hijacked one of the ships near Nigerian cost. And it remained stranded for nearly six months. While most of the heavy shipment made it to a European port, Ankur’s consignment of clothes went completely.

Since the loss was more than 5 lakhs (10% of Sum Insured), the insurer reimbursed the whole amount plus 10% for loss of profit to Ankur.

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About The Author


MBA Insurance and Risk

With extensive experience in the insurance industry, Simran is a seasoned writer specializing in articles on marine insurance for SecureNow. Drawing from 5 years of expertise in the field, she possesses a comprehensive understanding of the complexities and nuances of marine insurance policies. Her articles offer valuable insights into various aspects of marine insurance, including cargo protection, hull insurance, and liability coverage for marine-related risks. Renowned for their insightful analysis and informative content, Simran is committed to providing readers with actionable information that helps them navigate the intricacies of marine insurance with confidence.