Marine Insurance

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As the name says, an open marine insurance policy covers an indefinite number of inland movement of consignments. This insurance policy remains open until cancelled or exhausted the sum insured, whichever comes first. Under an open marine insurance policy, declared successive shipments to the insurance company. And they automatically get covered under the open marine insurance policy on or after the policy’s inception date.

Usually, this is an annual cargo insurance policy that is issued for one sum insured to cover a number of dispatches. Here the policy covers a number of dispatches until the sum insured is completely covered. It may also be called a floating marine insurance policy, and an open policy helps in saving the policyholder from buying an individual insurance policy for each journey or shipment.

The open marine insurance policy may cover both the incoming and outgoing consignments to-and-fro India. To ensure you choose the correct sum insured, make sure that the coverage mentioned under the open marine insurance policy is in accordance with the estimated annual turnover of goods.

Read further:

The open marine insurance policy offers coverage against various kinds of risks like perils of sea, sinking, fire, explosion, earthquake, lightning, etc. Open policies are highly useful for the policyholder when they conduct a significant volume of similar transactions in a year. Anyone can purchase such policies, involved in the business of movement of goods, like import/export merchants, contractors, banks, buying agents, a shipping firm, etc.

The sum insured of an open marine insurance policy is fixed on the ‘Agreed Value’ basis. Usually,  a 10% margin on the invoice adds up to the sum insured, for incidental expenditure.  Further, it is feasible to expand open marine insurance coverage and get coverage for riots, wars, strikes, etc. by paying additional premium rates.

Case Study: 1

L.S Shipping is a reputable name in the shipping industry. The company has partnered with various firms whose goods it transports from one country to another. As the company regularly transports goods from one country to another, it has purchased an open marine insurance policy to get coverage in case any misfortune happens.

As the company is regular with its transportation, it opts for an open marine insurance policy which allows it to cover several dispatches until the sum insured is over. It is an annual policy that covers L.S Shipping from the hassles of insuring every consignment. The open policy bought by L.S Shipping offers coverage against various perils, including fire, earthquake, flood, theft, etc. With the help of one sum insured, the company has managed to successfully ensure its number of dispatches.

Case Study: 2

Since 2000, J.K Garments has established a name for itself in the clothing business. The company has a vast clientele base which spread in different parts of the world, including the USA and Malaysia.

Last year, when it was sending goods domestically. Heavy rainfall damaged substantial numbers of boxes of a consignment even though, well packed. When the consignment reached the destination, the buyer refused to take the delivery. J.K Garments had to incur a loss of Rs 50 lakh due to the accident. The incident made J.K Garments ponder on what to do in order to avoid the loss.


The situation would have been different if J.K Garments had a marine insurance policy. The policy would have helped J.K Garments by covering the losses which the company had to incur due to rain. At such time, the insurer would have covered the losses or damages and thus saved J.K Garments from dealing with a financial loss.

As J.K Garments regularly exports goods worldwide. The company should buy an open marine insurance policy that covers several dispatches under the single sum insured. The policy will cover the multiple numbers of dispatches till the sum insured is over. It means the company would be free from buying a marine insurance policy for each consignment as one policy would be sufficient to cover a number of dispatches.

Additional Read: Duties of Insured or Policyholder under a Marine insurance policy

About The Author


MBA Insurance and Risk

With extensive experience in the insurance industry, Simran is a seasoned writer specializing in articles on marine insurance for SecureNow. Drawing from 5 years of expertise in the field, she possesses a comprehensive understanding of the complexities and nuances of marine insurance policies. Her articles offer valuable insights into various aspects of marine insurance, including cargo protection, hull insurance, and liability coverage for marine-related risks. Renowned for their insightful analysis and informative content, Simran is committed to providing readers with actionable information that helps them navigate the intricacies of marine insurance with confidence.