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If you have reached another serving of rice or you have reached another slice of pizza even though you feel full, congratulations, you have overeaten!
In today’s world, where processed food, lots of added sugar in food and lack of exercise is contributing towards overweight or obese population, overeating cannot be overlooked. Also overeating may cause various health problems such as bloating, flatulence, feeling of discomfort, sleepiness, tiredness, change in bowel motions. But the good news is there are ways to overcome this which we have listed below.
1. Eat Breakfast
In this fast world, people usually skip breakfast in order to save time and treat it as a common way to cut down extra calories. Research shows that you are more likely to have success in reaching your healthy weight if you have breakfast regularly. Eating heavy breakfast will keep your stomach full and keep your hunger in control.
2. Reduce Stress Levels
Chronic stress affects our health in so many different ways and overeating is one of them. So, keeping the stress level in control is a great way of avoiding those excess calorie intakes. Regular exercise, yoga, meditation and reading are the proven ways of reducing the stress levels.
3. Get Plenty Sleep
Yes, it’s true! Lack of sleep may cause overeating. This is because insufficient or poor sleep has been linked to a decrease in leptin, a hormone that tells our brain we’re full and that we can stop eating. Poor sleep also causes increase in ghrelin hormone that stimulates hunger thus causing overeating. Hence getting a good quality sleep at night is important.
4. Eat nutritious food
Eat nutrient-dense foods, like kale, berries, salmon, tomatoes, mushrooms, sweet potatoes and black beans. These foods are packed with vitamins, minerals and antioxidants, which not only will leave your body feeling good after eating, but they’re also stomach filling.
5. Exercise
The right exercise will help you lose weight, maintain muscle strength, and keep your appetite in control so you don’t overeat. Aim for at least 45 minutes of cardio every day. Many people often require more vigorous, sustained exercise to reverse severe diabesity and normalize eating.
So, plan to take small steps accordingly and learn what you need to do to maintain these steps. Remember, focus on health first and then weight!