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Nowadays it has become so difficult to come to know oneself as our lives are partly a story of ambiguity. Life is full of stress, frustration and discontent. We do very little to make ourselves happy and content. Mindfulness is one way to solve the ambiguity and helps us find the landscape of happiness. This can be attained by meditation, yoga, a healthy lifestyle and positive thinking.
We meditate to decrease stress level, practice mindfulness for clarity, pray for inner peace. Of course, these benefits often come but there are the following six lessons which we should imbibe in our lifestyle to make things easy and effective:
1.Emotional Stability: Positive emotions plays a critical role in our health and well-being. It is rightly said that the more you smile, the more you activate your happy brain. Meditations lead you to the road of happiness as nothing will refresh and refocus you like a good meditation sitting.
2. Learn to expect the unexpected: Welcome an unexpected event with compassion and kindness. Get rid of all negative thoughts which make you emotionally weak. Be aware of all probable and possible thoughts that lies within us but do not give them the power to overrule you. That is the trademark of a true healer.
3. Accept Change: Accepting change can make you more successful. Change is inevitable. From overstuffed schedules to ambitious hopes for your future, how you accept change can make the difference between emotional chaos and clarity. Change provides a road to growth. Initially, it might be painful but it provides a fruitful result in the long run.
4. Be clear: It is important to be clear in life. We can calm ourselves with deep breaths, meditation, yoga, prayer or stargazing to find out what’s going on, what we want, who we are, what we’re made of – we need stillness and clarity. Keeping your goals and focus clear is often the best practice.
5.Express Gratitude: Be thankful for everything you have in life. This habit welcome positive attitude towards life. To make gratitude a habit, one needs to learn to look inward more and place more focus on small moments of joy. Expressing gratitude can help you gain a higher level of positive emotion on daily basis, and socially you’ll start to notice a new-found compassion.
By learning these five lessons, you can make your life much easier and can move towards enlightenment by overcoming suffering. Instil the positiveness and enjoy the happy estate of life.