Property Insurance

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The floating policy of fire insurance is a type of property and casualty insurance that provides coverage for damage sustained to movable property due to an occurrence involving fire. The cost of such floater fire insurance policy is charged based on the total value of insured items. This would cost an average of premiums that you would have paid for insuring each item with specific policy separately. Unlike a regular homeowner’s or renter’s policy, which only covers specific items within their dwelling, the floating policy of fire insurance will cover all items owned by the insured regardless of location. Coverage is crucial for businesses owning equipment or inventory both inside and outside their place of business. One cataclysmic event could disrupt operations without insurance.

Understanding the concept of floating policy

When it comes to fire insurance, a floating policy is a type of contract that covers goods and merchandise that are being stored or placed at different locations under a single policy. These policies offer comprehensive coverage and flexibility for businesses with movable properties located at different sites.

For example, let us say a wholesale distributor of electronic goods having warehouses at different locations has availed a floater fire insurance policy. Instead of ensuring inventory of each electronic device separately or a separate policy for each warehouse, a floating policy provides comprehensive coverage to its entire inventory across all warehouses under a single policy.

Key features and benefits of the floating policy in fire insurance

The following are some of the key features and benefits of a floating fire insurance policy:

  1. Flexibility: A floating policy offers flexibility by providing coverage for multiple locations, properties, or shipments under a single policy. This eliminates the need for separate policies for each insured item, resulting in simplified administration and potential cost savings.
  2. Coverage for Dynamic Risks: Floating policies are suitable for businesses with constantly changing inventories or assets. It allows coverage to “float” or adapt to the changing nature of the insured items. Moreover, it ensures continuous protection against fire risks.
  3. Automatic Coverage: Floating policies often include an “automatic coverage” provision, which allows newly acquired or constructed properties to be automatically covered under the policy. This eliminates the need for immediate reporting and adjustments when adding new assets to the insured portfolio.
  4. Efficient Risk Management: Floating policies promote efficient risk management by providing a comprehensive view of the insured portfolio. This allows businesses to holistically assess and manage fire risks, leading to better risk mitigation strategies and potentially lower premiums.
  5. Time and Cost Savings: By eliminating the need for separate policies, floating policies save time and administrative efforts associated with managing multiple policies. This can result in cost savings for businesses in terms of reduced paperwork, policy issuance fees, and administrative overhead.
  6. Enhanced Coverage Limits: Floating policies often offer higher coverage limits compared to specific policies. After ensuring that businesses have sufficient coverage for their aggregated assets or inventory.
  7. Streamlined Claims Process: In the event of a fire loss, a floating policy simplifies the claims process by allowing a single claim to cover multiple locations or assets. This reduces the complexity of filing multiple claims under separate policies and streamlines the settlement process.

Scope of coverage in a floating policy of fire insurance

Fire is a hazard that can cause significant financial loss, so it is important to know what is covered by your online fire insurance policy. A floating policy of property fire insurance provides broad coverage for property and assets in different locations. This type of policy may cover:

  1. Stock and inventory owned by the business but located at other sites such as warehouses;
  2. Outdoor equipment used in construction projects such as scaffolding or cranes; 
  3. Tools and mobile machinery like bulldozers; 
  4. Valuables owned personally by someone working on behalf of the company, including jewellery, manuscripts, artworks, or documents; 
  5. Vehicles registered to companies used for transportation; money in banks, safe deposit boxes, or fully stocked cash drawers at closing.


In conclusion, a floating policy of fire insurance coverage is an arrangement whereby a group of properties or locations under common ownership and control are insured by one single policy. The key benefit of this type of arrangement is the ease it provides customers. Customers can easily make changes to cover on any movable properties. These properties can be at different locations. Moreover, there’s no need for multiple policies and associated costs. It also allows for more risk management across all assets within one organisation; allowing greater protection for each asset within the comprehensive coverage provided by a single policy.

About The Author


MBA Insurance and Risk

She has a passion for property insurance and a wealth of experience in the field, Shivani has been a valuable contributor to SecureNow for the past six years. As a seasoned writer, they specialize in crafting insightful articles and engaging blogs that educate and inform readers about the intricacies of property insurance. She brings a unique blend of expertise and practical knowledge to their writing, drawing from her extensive background in the insurance industry. Having worked in various capacities within the sector, she deeply understands the challenges and opportunities facing property owners and insurers alike.