Honey has always been a very popular culinary delicacy as well as an important medical remedy for many millennia. Across the globe, our ancestors seemed to be well aware of the many health benefits of honey. Its earliest known use as a medicinal prescription is found in Sumerian clay tablets that may be almost 4000 […]

Health Benefits of Dates: The Nutritious Desert Fruit
Dates are dry soft fruits with a sweet and delicious taste, which come from the date palm trees that grow in the desert. Dates come with a lot of benefits that are essential for us. Date palm is among the most ancient fruit trees that have been grown in the Middle East and the Indus […]
Sports – A Key To Healthy Living
This is true no matter what the sport may be. Sports also requires strength training. This may take the form of push-up, sit-ups or weight lifting. One must train regularly when involved in sports. One of the keys to good overall health is consistent exercise. Being involved in sports means training several times a week. […]
Fitness Mantra: Stay hydrated
Make sure you drink enough water to maintain the body’s fluid balance. Fluids are the most important nutrient in a body. The body’s water requirement varies due to many factors: body weight, climate and temperature, total lean muscle weight, amount of physical exercise and daily activity, and eating habits. To maintain the body’s fluid balance, […]
5 Reasons Why You Should Go Hiking
Whether you’re looking to lose weight, reduce stress, or simply clear your head and get out into nature, hiking delivers almost immediate rewards. It’s also a sport that doesn’t tolerate procrastination or excuses for very long. Assuming you haven’t been leading a totally sedentary life, you can follow a few basic steps and begin hiking […]
5 Hair Care Tips for Winter Season
The winter season has already started, and when winter comes, roughness and dryness come along with it. These conditions are not only limited to skin, but also your hair gets dry and rough. In this article, we are presenting some tips on how you can protect your hair from harsh, cold weather. Oil Massage In […]
Brush and Floss Daily
Why is brushing daily important? Good question. The most important part of a good dental routine is brushing and flossing every day to remove plaque. Plaque, the thick, slightly sticky substance you sometimes feel on your teeth, forms all the time. It has bacteria and food bits in it that cause decay and cavities if […]
5 Health Benefits of Papaya
Papaya, the bright orange colored flesh, gelatinous seeds, soft and sweet, is the best tropical fruit which is available widely in the market throughout the year. Though most of the people don’t like it, because of slight bitter aftertaste that accompanies the sweet fruit, it has numerous health benefits. Today, in this article we are […]
How To Eat Healthy During Monsoons
We need to be very careful about the food we eat and the water we drink during monsoon as our digestion gets weakened which most of us unknowingly experience during monsoon. The rains will tempt you to gorge on bhajiyas, sweets, and large helpings of steamy hot food at mealtimes. But temper that hearty appetite […]
5 Smart Foods for Your Brain
There is a saying – “You are what you eat”. Yes, you heard right! If you eat good food, you will be healthy and fit and vice-versa. So, it is important to monitor what you eat, as it will affect your body structure, function and integrity of every single cell of your body. In this […]