ImageProfessional Indemnity Insurance: Buy Best Professional Indemnity Policy
Professional Indemnity Insurance Policy
Protect Your Professional Reputation with PII Insurance.

Professional Indemnity Insurance

Tailored specifically for Professionals
Errors, omissions, negligence covered
Covers Legal defense & settlement costs
Covers pre litigation costs
SecureNow Assistance
assistance1Online policy copy
assistance2Instant risk confirmation
assistance3Experienced medico-legal panel
assistance4 Single point interface for claims
assistance5Renewal reminders
assistance6 Digital proposal form and payment

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Professional Indemnity Insurance

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Table of Contents

  • > SecureNow Assistance
  • > Quick Guide to Professional Indemnity Insurance
  • > Frequently Asked Questions
  • > Insuropedia

SecureNow Assistance


Online policy copy

Policy copy will be emailed. This can also be accessed via login


Instant risk confirmation

Risk coverage gets started immediately on proposal form submission, if no claim has been reported.


Experienced medico-legal panel

High quality lawyers, with experience of medical negligence cases, take-up cases on Doctor’ behalf


Single point interface for claims

Dedicated liability claims expert coordinates claims between the Doctor, lawyer and the insurer


Timely renewal reminders

Automated reminders and sent 3 weeks before renewal. Premium can be easily paid online


Digital proposal form and payment

Buying process is completely digitized including supporting documents. No need to submit hard copies.

Quick Guide to Professional Indemnity Insurance

Professional Insdemnity Insurance

In professional indemnity, lawyers, doctors, consultants, and others must provide services with care and skill as per legal duty. This obligation ensures a certain standard of service. Any negligence on their part, breach of duty, or errors can cause financial loss to their clients. When professionals do not meet the standard of care or service, they may face accountability and potential legal repercussions.

Professional indemnity is legal obligation for professionals to compensate affected parties in case their action causes any financial harm. For example, a doctor prescribes the wrong medicine initially because of an oversight of a lab report. Let us say this results in the patient experiencing a prolonged recovery. Failure may result in income loss, enabling the patient to legally hold the doctor accountable for the damages.

What is Professional Indemnity Insurance?

Professional Indemnity Insurance is a type of insurance or liability insurance that protects professionals from legal liabilities or financial losses. These losses may arise because of the mistakes, errors, omissions, or negligence in their professional services.

Different types of Professional Indemnity Insurance are available for Identifiable professionals like Doctors, accountants, solicitors and architects.

Professional indemnity insurance provides coverage for any financial losses incurred because of such negligence or mistakes. It also includes compensation resulting from legal proceedings, settlements, and investigations into matters involving professional services.

Professional indemnity insurance policy protects the business/professionals from losses associated with issues ranging from:

  •  Failing to complete contracts as agreed
  •   Failure of duty of care in carrying out services
  •  Using copyrighted material without permission or infringing upon an Independent's intellectual property rights.

PI Insurance, also known as Negligence Insurance, also safeguards against damages related to libel and slander accusations. It covers faults in advice given by organization members regarding their skill and experience. With this insurance in place, both individuals and businesses are at ease knowing that they have adequate protection. It helps in case of work-related issues or errors.

Who needs Professional Indemnity Insurance?

A variety of professionals who may benefit from this type of professional indemnity insurance. Right from individual professionals to large-scale businesses that provide professional services, availing PI insurance is essential for financial protection.

Here are the professionals/businesses that need professional indemnity insurance:

  •   Individual professionals like accountants, IT consultants, architects, medical practitioners, etc.
  •   Businesses that provide advice, designs, or services to consumers.

A professional indemnity policy is crucial when professionals receive payment or compensation as part of valued transactions with clients. It can be designing fees for architecture projects or consultancies advising on business decisions. Also, those offering non-paid services may still need coverage in case they mistakenly make an error. This will result in a financial loss through damages or losses to third parties.

PI Insurance or Professional Liability Insurance assures clients who feel mistreated that it will cover their financial losses. It also means that if something goes wrong because of their negligence, it won't endanger the whole company. It can help restore customer confidence in their relationship with their company.

What does Professional Indemnity Insurance Cover?

Professional Indemnity Insurance shields professionals with liability exposure from claims of negligence or error. Depending on the policy, it can cover:

  •  Financial losses that result from allegations of breach of professional duty in providing services or advice, errors, and omissions. It happens when they work with or for third parties, unintended infringement of copyright, and libel and slander.
  •  The coverage provided by this type of insurance varies based on policy terms and conditions.
  •  However, most policies aim to provide broad coverage. They indemnify insured individuals facing monetary judgments because of alleged wrongful acts.
  •  Additionally, these PI insurance or business indemnity insurance policies generally also have non-monetary provisions. It includes assistance with legal defence costs associated with civil litigation proceedings brought against the insured person.
  •  Professional indemnity insurance policy can also cover legal costs related to rectifying mistakes made during work completion. In the end, this insurance protects professionals from civil penalties for client-claimed omissions or mistakes during a project.

What are the exclusions for Professional Indemnity Insurance?

Professional Indemnity Insurance usually won't cover property damages or actions by a former employee of the policy holder. Furthermore, most policies do not cover intentional damage and criminal act & activities.

Professional Indemnity Insurance policy typically does not cover any claims related to:

  •  Criminal activities
  •  Physical and non-physical losses or damages
  •  Cyber liability
  •  Medical professional malpractice
  •  Contractual obligations created before the policy start date
  •  Illegal acts of slander or libel
  •  Tax audits by government authorities or fines imposed because of such audits
  •  Liabilities arising due to pollution

Also, Professional Indemnity Insurance India may exclude certain professions (such as finance professionals) or industries (such as defence contractors). This is important to read all terms of an insurance policy closely before signing the dotted line.

How much does Professional Indemnity Insurance Cost?

Professional indemnity insurance can vary greatly in cost depending on the amount of coverage. It also depends on the degree of risk associated with a particular professional service.

  • For individual professionals and smaller businesses, a basic policy coverage may start at around INR 10 lacs per year. It might go up to INR 5 crore as well depending on the company's size and risks. The cost may range from INR 9,000 to INR 30,000.

  • Larger organisations may require more expensive business professional indemnity insurance policies. It mostly depends on the operations and the size of the business

  • Every business owner should conduct research and seek expert advice to identify suitable coverage options for their needs. Doing this is crucial not only for financial reasons but also to ensure they have protection against legal claims.

    Most professional indemnity policies include an initial or set premium. However, there may also be additional fees assessed depending on any additional risks or services included in their policy. This is important to review all terms and conditions before committing to a personal professional indemnity insurance policy

    How to calculate premiums under Professional Indemnity Insurance?

    Various factors influence the calculation of professional indemnity insurance premiums. These include :

    •  Type of PI insurance policy – claims made or occurrence policy
    •  The limit of indemnity or Professional Liability Coverage require
    •  Nature and extent of professional services offered
    •  Location of operations and type/tenure of contracts held
    •  Deductible amount
    •  Claim history

    For each insurance contract, individual insurer will assess these factors to determine and calculate appropriate premium for policy holder. It depends on scope and complexity of services provided by the business as well as its overall risk profile. Some commercial insurers offer discounts for businesses that demonstrate good safety practices in providing professional services. These services include using vetted subcontractors or comprehensive training programs for key personnel.

    Ultimately, it is best practice to speak with a knowledgeable PI insurance expert. They can assist with assessing risk factors and financial obligations associated with the specific line of work. This will help in determining a suitable and affordable Premium amount.

    How to buy a Professional Indemnity Insurance policy?

    Professional Indemnity Insurance will protect professionals and businesses from being underinsured against potential litigation risks stemming from professional activities.

    You can purchase PI insurance directly through an insurer's website, office, or online portals. Here is a step-by-step process to buy professional indemnity insurance online.

    •  Research: It is important to research various PI insurance providers and list down the best insurance providers online.
    •  Know in detail: Visit their websites or obtain more information about their offerings in indemnity insurance.
    •  Get quotes: After understanding coverage details, obtain quotes from the listed insurance providers for each policy you're interested in.
    •  Compare: Compare PI insurance policies based on the features and cost to see which one best suit your need.
    •  Ask for specialized: Tailor the PI insurance coverage as per your need considering various factors.
    •  Provide necessary details and documents:  Share necessary details, complete the purchase, and submit/upload any required documents.
    •  Make payment: Complete your PI insurance policy purchase by making a premium payment.
    •  Receive policy documents: Once you complete the process, receive the policy documents. Please retain them for your records.

    Insurance companies typically tailor most policies specifically to the profession. Initially, researching best provider might seem daunting, but comparing multiple providers online makes it easier and cost-effective process. It allows even busy professionals to get comprehensive protection at reasonable rates.

    What is the renewal process for Liability Insurance for Professionals?

    Renewal of Professional Indemnity Insurance policies is a straightforward process and usually requires a phone call or online renewal. Depending on the Insurer, they may ask for updated business information like turnover or the number of employees. However, a simple payment often suffices.

    Renewal is as good as buying a new policy. Follow this process when renewing PI insurance online in case you want to add features or attractive options.

    •  Get quick quotes: Know the cost of PI insurance offerings by various insurance companies.
    •  Compare policies: Assess PI insurance policies to find an affordable one you can tailor to your specific needs.
    •  Provide details: Fill in all the relevant details online and upload the necessary documents to renew your coverage.
    •  Make payment: Complete the premium payment process to renew.
    •  Receive policy document: Get the policy document softcopy on successful completion of the renewal process.

    Declare any changes in the type of work undertaken before renewing the professional Indemnity Insurance policy term.

    How to file a claim under Professional Indemnity Insurance?

    Filing a claim under Professional Indemnity Insurance typically involves several steps.

    •  Claim intimation: to begin, notify the insurance provider via call center, email, website, or branch visit about the claim. This is important to provide initial details of circumstances causing their claim along with professional Indemnity Insurance policy details.
    •  Submission of documents: Submit necessary documents for your claim along with signed claim form, based on the claim's nature. The customer service officer in the insurance company would assist you with list of documents required for claim process.
    •  Processing and settlement of claim: As soon as you submit the documents, we will initiate the claim process. If there are any discrepancies, the insurance provider gets back to you asking for further requirements. Upon verification of all the documents, the insurer settles the claim by releasing the payment.

    The resolution duration varies based on case complexity and nuances. Generally, it takes 2-4 weeks without disputes in the PI insurance claim process.

    Frequently Asked Questions

    Professional indemnity cover financially protects professionals when found liable for negligent acts or errors in their work. Such liability could lead to seeking damages against them. It shields individuals and businesses from out-of-pocket expenses. It also acts as a safeguard against bankruptcy in cases of large claims arising.
    The policy covers legal costs for defending allegations of professional negligence or breach of contract. It also includes wrongful acts causing injury, financial loss, or damage to third parties. These acts arise from your provision (or failure) of professional services.
    Professional indemnity insurance is not a legal compulsion in India. However, professionals need to have financial protection in this litigious society. Professional indemnity insurance covers third-party claims of negligence or errors in your services. Depending on the sector and specific job requirements, the coverage requirement may vary.
    Professional indemnity insurance safeguards professionals from losses arising out of errors, omissions, or negligence during their professional duties. This covers financial losses and legal defense expenses your business might face because of court proceedings and other issues. It can also provide compensation for successful claims made against your business.
    No, professional indemnity insurance and Public Liability Insurance are not the same. Professional Indemnity Insurance shields businesses from legal or financial repercussions stemming from professional negligence claims. It covers costs your business may incur, including defence costs in court actions.

    It also provides compensation for successful claims against your business. Public liability insurance covers business activities cause harm, injury, or damage to other people or their property
    Yes, people use professional indemnity insurance and professional liability insurance exchangeable. Both policies offer financial safeguards for professionals in cases of negligence or malpractice arising from their conduct.
    A contract of indemnity is a legal agreement that protects one party against claims made by another. An compensation clause involves one party agreeing to compensate for any damage or loss due to of their negligence. It also covers losses resulting from a breach of contract.

    The most common types of contracts involving indemnity are insurance policies and warranties. Professional indemnity insurance protects against professional negligence, while general insurance covers a wide range of common risks.

    What Our Customers Are Saying


    SecureNow’s professional indemnity insurance is a game-changer. It’s comprehensive and gives me the confidence to focus on my work.


    I've been using SecureNow for professional indemnity insurance policy, and I’m impressed. The coverage is extensive, and the process was straightforward.


    Highly recommend SecureNow for pi insurance. The rates are competitive, and the customer service is top-notch.


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