Employee Benefits

Employees and workplace productivity are similar to breathing – they are both vital in keeping your organisation thriving and in existence. Moreover, when things are all going well, you would probably not think much about your employees. It is only when things get laboured, or the operations come to a halt that you realise how crucial an asset your employees are to you.
In today’s ultra-competitive corporate environment, retaining talented employees is a crucial component of an organisation’s success. With happy, healthy and motivated employees on board, businesses can not only ensure a high turnover rate but create and build upon their foundation for the future.
Studies show that employees, those who have high job satisfaction are usually more productive and engaged with their companies. In other words, it is often seen that hefty paychecks aren’t the only thing that keeps employees satisfied and loyal to an employer. 
As business owners; therefore, you need to take care of your employees and nurture them so that your business continues on its growth trend. Here’s how you can ensure that your employees feel more engaged and motivated towards their work – 

  1. Prioritise Work-Life Balance

While excellent salary packages are imperative to engage your employees and ensure competitiveness among them, it is no longer the only metric that helps ensure your employees’ job satisfaction. Instead, you must work towards creating an environment that is conducive towards a work culture where employees have positive work experience while giving adequate attention to their families and loved ones. 

  1. Ensure Transparency and An Honest Approach Towards Work

As an employer, you must develop your ability to understand the concerns and fears of your employees and take adequate steps to make sure that these fears are put to rest. You must encourage transparency while sharing your employees’ concerns and strategising a proper course of action to address the issue. For example, you can share information about the top-performing assets as well as areas of improvement with your employees and consider their inputs while devising the strategies to address the issues moving forward. Having transparent channels of communication and merely acknowledging your employees’ can help you go a long way. 

  1. Create a Career Pathway

As an employee, no individual would prefer being stuck in one place, doing the same job, day-in and day-out. Instead, if you work towards providing your employees with developmental support in the form of career mentoring and training opportunities, the chances are that you earn both admiration and loyalty of your employees. Most employees prefer to explore attractive career opportunities within the company and work towards developing a career, instead of joining a different organisation.  As an employer; therefore, you must schedule regular career-planning discussions with your employees, and make sure that they are aware of the various available career paths throughout the company. 

  1. Offer Benefits Beyond the Salary

There are multiple ways that you can work as an employer, to supplement your employees’ salary and overall motivation to stay connected to the company. For example, you can offer your employees an additional level of security in the form of Mediclaim cover or life insurance. With Mediclaim insurance cover, you can make sure that your employees and their family members are secure against any unexpected medical treatment expenses and diagnostic tests, without having to dig deep into their savings. 
Besides Mediclaim, other ancillary benefits such as company-sponsored transit benefits and gym memberships along with optical, dental and wellness are also welcomed by employees. 

  1. Always Say ‘Thank You’

It is seen that employees rarely become unhappy or change their jobs for the sake of money only. When they do become disenchanted; however, it happens because they do not like their employer, do not feel engaged in their work profile or feel their career growth has hit a roadblock. 
As an employer; therefore, you need to make sure that you have a positive workplace environment and culture in place that encourages effective communication and teamwork among employees. Also, you must do periodic shout-outs to individuals at all levels of the organisation, if they have put in a superior effort. While these kudos cost nothing, they but provide the crucial public recognition to your employees for a job well done and compensate them with the highly valued social currency.
(image source_ Shutterstock)