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Banana is one fruit that is widely available across the globe. Indians consume more bananas than apples or oranges and there is a good reason for it as well. It tastes good, it is loaded with nutrients and it is cheap. Bananas are an excellent source of potassium, vitamin C, vitamin B6, carbohydrates, fibres, and natural sugar. There are many advantages of eating bananas daily, so let’s discuss the actual content and benefits that make bananas such an important, powerful, and beneficial fruit.

The benefits of bananas are as follows-

1. Enhance Digestion:

Banana contains 2.5 grams of dietary fiber, both soluble and insoluble. The soluble fiber slows down your digestion while insoluble fiber sweeps and pushes out waste, acting as a probiotic when it comes to the digestive system. It pushes out stubborn stools and relieves a person from constipation. This can help to reduce unhealthy digestive conditions, as well as colorectal cancer.

2. Keeps your heart healthy:

High-fiber foods are said to be good for your heart. Banana is loaded with dietary fiber and it contains potassium., so it reduces blood pressure. This relaxes the arteries and veins which ensures smooth blood flow through the body. This can help to prevent stroke and heart attacks.
Additional read: Five steps to keep your kidneys healthy

3. Fights Anemia:

Anemia is the condition of low blood cell count occurring due to a lack of iron. Banana contains high iron and that is why it is why good for those suffering from anemia. Banana also contains copper which is essential in creating red blood cells. Besides iron and copper, it also contains folic acid and vitamin B12 which help in the treatment of anemia.

4. Regulates Blood Pressure:

Bananas contain potassium which is known to help in lowering blood pressure. Bananas have low salt content and minerals help the kidney function properly. Research has shown that the consumption of bananas daily can help lower blood pressure.

5. Keep eyes healthy:

Bananas contain antioxidant compounds and carotenoids. It also contains fat-soluble vitamin A as well as a proper mix of minerals that requires for healthy eyes. They prevent eyes against cataracts, night blindness, glaucoma, and macular degeneration, and restore strong vision.

6. Make the bones stronger:

Banana contains prebiotics and probiotic which is beneficial for bacteria in our digestive tract that boosts the intake of minerals and nutrients by the body contributing to healthy bones. Consumption of bananas daily can also boost up calcium absorption.

As you can see, banana is really good for your health. So, what are you waiting for? It’s time to head over to the market and purchase a bunch of bananas.

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