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We all, from our childhood, have heard the advice that eating almonds after soaking them overnight is good for health. We all relate almonds to the memory power, but eating soaked almonds is beneficial for the entire body.

But why to soak almonds before eating? This is because the brown, rough almond skin contains enzyme inhibitors that protects the almond until the proper levels of sunlight and water allow it to germinate. Our body cannot break this compound. So, to allow better digestion and absorption of nutrient, almonds are soaked overnight so that the enzyme in almonds get activated.

Let’s discuss about some health benefits of eating soaked almonds.

1.Controls High Blood Pressure: According to a research, scientists found that eating an almond rich diet helped increases the amount of alpha tocopherol in the blood a compound that is key in maintaining one’s blood pressure. The low sodium and high potassium content of the nuts can prevent your blood pressure from escalating.

2. Prevents Cardiovascular Diseases: Soaked almonds are excellent for lowering cholesterol. It helps in increasing the High-density lipoproteins (HDL) and reduces the levels of Low-density lipoproteins (LDL). Vitamin E present in almonds prevents the risk of generating heart ailments. Moreover, magnesium in almonds has the property of averting heart attacks.

3.Improves Digestion: Soaked almonds are good for improving digestion and makes digesting proteins easier. Soaking the almonds also releases enzyme lipase that is beneficial to digest fats, which has been proven by the Institute of Food Research.

4.Helps in weight loss: Mono-unsaturates present in the almonds, inhibits appetite. It prevents over eating and the dietary fiber contributes to the sensation of being full, despite eating only a small amount. Almonds are high in protein, so raising the levels of protein and healthy fats in your diet while diminishing processed carbohydrates make a big difference to your success in shredding the pounds.

5.Provides protection during pregnancy: Folic acid present in almonds reduces chances of birth defects in newborns greatly as it contributes for the proper development of the fetus’s brain and neurological system. Hence pregnant women are recommended to consume more soaked almonds during pregnancy.

6.Prevents cancer: According to the Adventist Health Study, soaked almonds also contain vitamin B17 which is vital for fighting cancer. Prostrate and breast cancer can be avoided by eating soaked almonds.  They contain flavonoids and Vitamin E which prevent these cancers from occurring.

Consuming almonds is a healthy practice as it brings many health benefits. Best way is to soak the almond overnight in water, remove the outer cover and then eat. So, include soaked almonds in your morning diet and extract maximum benefit out of it.